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Chapter 13: Human Rights, Democracy and Globalization

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1 Chapter 13: Human Rights, Democracy and Globalization
What are human rights? Which right is the most important to you? See on p.306 some examples created by the UN in its Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Are those rights really universal? See p. 307

2 The Evolution of Ideas about Human Rights.
Ancient Persia: 6 century BC, Cyrus, the King of Persia believed that people should practice any religion freely. How different is it 2600 years later in present day Iran? Ancient Greece: Males free to vote (limitations apply) Ancient Rome: Emperor Claudius passed laws protecting slaves who were sick. Ancient India: The Laws of Manu.

3 Study the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms
The American Constitution p.310 The Universal Declaration of Human Rights p. 311 The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms p.311 Study the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms and decide which of the rights you consider the most important for you. P.311

4 Human Rights and Colonization
Can a country be an imperial power and still support human rights? Read two statements by Las Casas and President Wilson. Are they still relevant in our time? p. 314 Why did Canada get her independence in 1867 from Britain but some African countries got them almost 100 years later?

5 Is globalization supporting human rights?
Definitely yes according to D. Griswold p.316. Why do you think he is so upbeat about it? Find on p.317 how glob. is placing pressure on governments around the world. Do cutbacks in govern. spending create inequality? What does the image convey to you concerning Globalization? By the way, where did Starbuck originate?

6 Some people argue that government cutbacks increase inequality
Some people argue that government cutbacks increase inequality. Private corporations often step in and voila, the prices go through the roof. Study the case of water privatization in Bolivia p. 317 and then read p. 320 on the result of it.

7 Sanctions Are they effective? Yes and no.
Example: South Africa-yes, Iraq, North Korea-no Explain why? Furthermore, why so many people considered those sanctions to be morally wrong? Do you know any country that is currently under international sanctions?

8 Transportation and Movement of People
Glob. has had a huge impact on people’s movement around the world. Yet some do not leave their homeland voluntarily. Wars, economic hardships, and now even climate refugees are more and more part of the human migration. Human trafficking. P.318 Look at the image on the right and find out the irony of it. How much has the world changed since the textbook was published.

9 The Media Great tool to fight for human rights, yet some critics think that it can also change a culture and even destroy traditional values. Take the example of Read more about that on p. 319 Tank Man Baywatch

10 Communication Technologies
Info democracy, spreading protests and concerns in s, blogs, eye-witness accounts, videos, online petitions. Read how many people reacted to Bechtel’s water hike of 50% in Bolivia. Is that a good example of global citizenship? What is the shortcoming of “media democracy”?

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