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Instructional Meeting November 3, 2010 Instructional Framework

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Presentation on theme: "Instructional Meeting November 3, 2010 Instructional Framework"— Presentation transcript:

1 Instructional Meeting November 3, 2010 Instructional Framework

2 Opening

3 Agenda Standard Question of the Day Essential Questions
Opening Activity/Reflection Agenda of the Day Closing Homework

4 ClassKeys Standard CP 2.2 Uses an organizing framework to plan instruction and assessment (p.16) Essential Question Why is instructional framework important?

5 Standards-Based Classroom
Independently, define a standards-based classroom. Work in your groups to agree upon a definition for a standards-based classroom.

6 Standards-Based Classroom
A classroom where teachers and students have a clear understanding of the expectations (standards). Teachers and students know what they are teaching/learning each day (standards), why the day’s learning is an important thing to know or know how to do (relevance), and how to do it (process). Standards-based learning is a process, not an event.

7 Standards-based Classroom High Impact Practice Rubric
Continuum of Improvement Concepts Our focus for this year is concepts 1-3 of the SBC rubric. More specifically concept 3 Opening is our focus for October.

8 Standards-based Classroom Rubric
Concept 3 – Teachers sequence the lesson or their instruction in a logical, predictable manner referencing standards throughout.

9 Why the Instructional Framework Important?
Turn to a table partner and discuss.

10 Why is the Instructional Framework Important?
Students learn by doing. Performance standards require students to engage in performance. Students improve their levels of performance with practice and revision. Students improve their levels of performance with guidance, support, and feedback. Structured instructional time decreases behavior concerns. Teaching and learning are focused on the standard(s) and element(s) that students are required to master. The work session provides teachers with time to support individual students and small groups of students (differentiation).

11 Work Session

12 The Instructional Framework The Opening
Answer the following questions with your team of four: What is the teacher doing to ensure that students are receiving explicit instruction connected to the standards? What are the students doing?

13 The Instructional Framework The Work Session
Answer the following questions with your team of four: What is the teacher doing to ensure students apply learning independently and collaboratively and receive feedback on the standards? What are the students doing?

14 The Instructional Framework The Closing
Answer the following questions with your team of four: What is the teacher doing to ensure that students share and explain their work as it relates to the standards and receive feedback? What are the students doing?

15 Closing

16 Task 1. Review the GHS weekly lesson plan example and identify the instructional framework (opening, work session, and closing). 2. Share your findings with your elbow partner. 3. Answer the Essential Question.

17 Next Steps Instructional Focus for November: Opening Weekly Plans
Focus Walks/Observations, Student Conferencing (Admin. and ICs)

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