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Marketing Goals & Objectives

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1 Marketing Goals & Objectives
Best Possible Outcome: Be the #1 sugar substitute on the market. Continue researching possible product improvements. Partner with other food/drink products. Continue growing current marketing campaign. Marketing Strategy Turning Goals into Tangible Success: Primary target market health and weight-conscience adults diabetics of all ages Secondary target market National & International food & drink manufacturers Restaurants and food service businesses, such as bakeries and caterers. Marketing Mix – The 4 P’s Product Truvia® is the first and only all-natural sugar substitute. Truvia® is partnering with other food & drink manufacturers to offer healthier, low-calorie items. Truvia® comes in a variety of packaging types and sizes for consumer convenience. large plastic bags with pour spouts for convenient measuring while baking. convenient single-serve packets for use in drinks. small jars for other various uses around the home. Placement Truvia® is sold at most grocery stores across the USA. Also available in some other countries. Available for purchase online at Price Truvia® is competitive in price compared to other sugar substitutes. The longer it is on the market, Truvia® may need to lower its prices to maintain market share. Prices will always be reliant upon stevia crop prices and distribution costs. Promotion Truvia® is in an intense marketing phase currently to promote its new product. Make consumers aware of the health benefits associated with using Truvia™. Reach out to consumers via social media sites, company Web site, magazines & TV. Truvia® will continue marketing its brand and uniqueness to stay competitive. Truvia® will continue establishing new partnerships with other food & drink manufacturers and put its brand logo on those products.

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