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2017 Winter Ewha Writing-Intensive School

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Presentation on theme: "2017 Winter Ewha Writing-Intensive School"— Presentation transcript:

1 2017 Winter Ewha Writing-Intensive School

2 Many Reasons to Take EWIS:
Learn the steps and strategies for Academic Writing. Learn practical writing skills such as TOEFL, Resume, and Cover Letters. Prepare for Exchange-School studies. Write every day for four weeks! Receive daily feedback and lessons on writing. Earn 2 Credits upon completion. Gain Confidence in English Writing!

3 Learn Specific Writing Methods from GLEO Professors Receive One on One Feedback Every Day!

4 -----See you at EWIS ^^-----

5 Enrollment and Duration
Enrollment Date: 11/1 (Wed)- 12/22 (Fri) Method: Online: 이화영어글쓰기집중학교 On Site: Visit GLEO ECC B115/ Ph: Duration: : (Tuesday) ~ (Thursday) 4weeks/9-12 (3hrs)+office hours 15 people only per class/ 50 person limit by enrollment! Contact: Phone Website: 이화영어글쓰기집중학교

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