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What was your favorite commercial during the Super Bowl?

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Presentation on theme: "What was your favorite commercial during the Super Bowl?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What was your favorite commercial during the Super Bowl?
Bell Ringer What was your favorite commercial during the Super Bowl?

2 Bell Ringer What is the importance of Marbury v. Madison? How does this impact us today?


4 Eyeing the Louisiana Territory
Jefferson wanted more land - Expand to the Pacific Ocean Problem: U.S. already had Native Americans and European colonists Napoleon Bonaparte forced Spain to give him Louisiana Territory French control of Mississippi threatened to shut down American trade route needed for shipping goods to Eastern markets Jefferson offered to buy New Orleans and rights to Mississippi River from France Constitution doesn’t allow president to do this

5 Louisiana Purchase Napoleon needed money and soldiers for domination plans in Europe and a slave revolt in the Caribbean April 30, 1803: Louisiana Purchase for $15 million (3 cents an acre) – Doubled the size of the U.S. $11.25 million for land & $3.75 million for debts

6 Justifying his actions…
Nowhere in the Constitution says a President can buy land Jefferson had to use IMPLIED powers – the power that states that he can make peace with another nation. Kept peace with France: bought land so used this as a treaty

7 CORPS of DISCOVERY Jefferson called the 38 enlisted men the Corps of Discovery Only 1 man died (from a ruptured appendix) Charles Floyd Jefferson instructed Lewis and Clark #1 Find a water route across the continent – Northwest Passage Claim Oregon territory Establish good relations with Native Americans Create maps Notes on plants, animals, landscape

8 The Route Started in Spring 1804: Left St. Louis
After winter of1805: left N. Dakota Accompanied by Sacagawea & Pompeii Guide / Interpreter & her baby boy Challenges included: Terrain, animals, Native Americans Nov. 1805: Reached the Pacific Built Fort Clatsop in current day Astoria, OR 1806: Returned to St. Louis Travelled total of 7,689 miles

9 Effects of Exploration
Geographical / Scientific knowledge Accurate maps Growth of fur trade No all-water route across the continent Negative for Native Americans

10 How much land was bought and how much did it cost?
Exit Ticket How much land was bought and how much did it cost?

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