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Happy Friday  Today’s Assignment- Finish your collage Complete Page 1 in your booklet Take notes in your notebook about the Missouri Compromise Complete.

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Presentation on theme: "Happy Friday  Today’s Assignment- Finish your collage Complete Page 1 in your booklet Take notes in your notebook about the Missouri Compromise Complete."— Presentation transcript:

1 Happy Friday  Today’s Assignment- Finish your collage Complete Page 1 in your booklet Take notes in your notebook about the Missouri Compromise Complete Interactive Map *This all needs to be completed by Monday!

2 COLLAGE CREATION South North 7 images (min) 7 images (min)
Antebellum- time period BEFORE the Civil War Regional Differences North South 7 images (min) 7 images (min) Options- DRAW DETAILED INSERT IMAGES ONLINE + EXPLAIN Options- DRAW DETAILED INSERT IMAGES ONLINE + EXPLAIN

3 Page 1: Regional Differences
You are to write a 5-7 sentence COMPARISION /CONTRASTING paragraph discussing the North and the South during the Antebellum time period.

4 Henry Clay and the Missouri Compromise

5 Issue of slavery 1819: settlers in the Missouri Territory asked to join the Union as a slave state. If this happened, slave states would outnumber free states (11 free, 11 slave) Senate and House of Representation would be pro-slavery

6 Divided Viewpoints Northerners (Senator Rufus King-NY)
Argued that Congress had the power to prohibit slavery in a new state. Southerners ( Senator William Pinkney-MD) New states had the same freedom of action as the original thirteen and were free to choose slavery

7 Missouri Compromise 36’30 parallel
Missouri would be added as a slave state Maine would be added as a free state (12 free states - 12 slave states) 36’30 parallel Except for Missouri, all states North of the line from Louisiana Purchase would be free of slavery



10 Responses to the Compromise
Both Northerners and Southerners were upset North: believed Congress allowed expansion of slavery South: believed it set the precedent that Congress could make laws outlawing slavery

11 Map Analysis “Missouri Compromise Interactive Map”
ctionalism/lesson1/ Use the map to answer the questions on the following slides

12 Step 1: Examining the Map
1. Which region, North or South, had the most land area in 1820? 2. Which region was more densely populated? 3. Which region had the higher population of African Americans? 4. In what two southern states did the African American population outnumber the white population?

13 Step 2: Analyzing the Map
How did the Missouri Compromise solve the problem of keeping the balance of power in the Senate between free and slave states? 2. What territory was added to the slave side? Free? 3. What did the South stand to gain as a result of the Compromise? What did the South stand to lose? 4. Could either side be considered the winner in this compromise? Why or why not?

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