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Presentation on theme: "COUNT AND NONCOUNT NOUNS Source:"— Presentation transcript:


2 NONCOUNT NOUNS Whole groups or whole masses.
Furniture, coffee and sugar. Abstract concepts. Love, wisdom, spirituality. Phenomenon of Nature Sunshine, rain, snow.


4 Whole groups made up of similar items

5 Fluids

6 Solids

7 Gases

8 Particles

9 Abstractions

10 Languages

11 Fields of Study

12 Recreation

13 Activities

14 Natural Phenomena

15 Expressions of Quantity for Count nouns
One, two…etc. Each Every A couple of A few Many Several A number of

16 Expressions of quantity for noncount nouns
A little Much

17 Expressions of quantity for both count and noncount nouns
Some/any A lot of/lots of Plenty of Most all


19 Definite & Indefinite Articles
The indefinite articles (a/an) are used to refer to a generalization or a thing or an idea for the first time. - I ate a banana. - There’s an ambulance outside. (a/an) are only used with singular count nouns. Nothing is used for plural nouns and noncount nouns. - Bananas are yellow. - Fruit is good for you.

20 Indefinite Articles (a/an)
1. With Professions: - She’s a teacher. - I am a student. 2. With some expressions of quantity: A little - a couple of A few - a pair of 3. In exclamation with what + noun: What a lovely day What a pity!

21 Definite Article (the)
2. If there is only one of something (something or someone specific: The King - The sun Before Landmarks (rivers, seas, hotels, museums, and newspapers): The Times river The Ritz Carlton 3. With superlative adjectives: He’s the richest man in the world. James is the oldest in the class.

22 When to use NO article? Before plural and uncountable nouns. I like potatoes. - Milk is good for you. 2. Before towns, countries, streets, languages, magazines, meals, airports, stations and mountains. I’ve just had lunch. I bought Al-Riyadh newpaper. 3. With the following: at home – in/to bed – at/to work – at/to school – at/to university – by bus – by plane – by train – by car – on foot 4. In exclamation with what + UC noun. What great Information you have.

23 Indefinite Nouns Singular I ate a banana. She ate an apple.
Plural count noun (two, a few, several) I ate some bananas. Noncount noun (a little, a lot of) I ate some fruit.

24 Definite Nouns The banana I ate this morning was delicious. Singular
I got the apples from the tree. Plural The fruit from that market is inexpensive. Noncount

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