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Problem case 경희의료원 감염내과 R2 이동영
History Chief complaint Present illness Fever
Both leg pain (onset: 2 day ago) Present illness M/59, 평소 건강히 지내던 자로 내원 1주전 생선회덮밥 먹은 후 내원 3일전부터 general weakness, fatigue 있었고 2일전부터 both leg pain, 1일전부터 fever 생겨 ER 내원
Past medical history DM/ HTN/ Hepatitis/ Pulmonary Tb (-/-/±/-) Hepatitis-20대에 우연히 B형 간염보균자라 들음 Personal history Smoking (-) alcohol (-) Occupation history 운수업
Review of system General : fatigue (+) fever (+) chill (+) Malaise (+)
H & N : headache (-) sore throat (-) visual opacity (-) Chest : chest pain (-) palpitation (-) cough (-) sputum (-) dyspnea (-) GI : Anorexia/N/V/D/C (+/-/-/-/-) abdominal pain (-) Urinary : dysuria (-) frequency (-) urgency (-) voiding difficulty (-) Musculoskeletal : both leg pain (+) LBP (-)
Physical Examination V/S 60/30 mmHg-108 회/min-20 회/min-36.9 °C
Height: cm BW: 70.5 Kg General : Drowsy mentality SKIN : purpura or patch on both lower leg and back H/N : no thyroid gland enlargement no cervical LN enlargement no neck vein engorgement E/ENT : isocoric pupil with PLR(++/++) pinkish conjunctiva with clear sclerae Chest : Coarse breath sound with BLL crackle Rapid heart beat without murmur Abdomen : soft and flat abdomen abdominal Td/RT(-/-) hypoactive B.S. Shifting dullness(-) B/Ext : CVA tenderness(-/-) pitting edema(-/-) Both leg swelling(++) purpura on lower leg
Initial Lab Finding CRP/Glu 2.2/108 mg/dL
CBC/DC :1,210/mm3-10.7g/dL-33.3%-27K (seg 81.7%) INR aPTT 60.5 Chemistry : TB/DB /0.85 mg/dL ALP/rGT /14 mg/dL BUN/Cr /2.0 mg/dL Na/K/Cl /3.9/103 mmol/L LDH/Uric acid 599/ mg/dL U/A : RBC 5-9/HPF WBC /HPF Protein(++) PH Specific gravity Occult blood (++) many bacteria(+) ABGA: %(RA) VBGA 가능성! Prot/alb /2.0 g/dL AST/ALT 82/28 U/L Ca/P/Mg /3.3/1.5 mg/dL CRP/Glu /108 mg/dL CK/Myoglobin 992/ ng/dL
Chest AP
Initial problem lists 1. hypotension with
tachycardia, hypoxia, metabolic acidosis, pancytopenia septic shock 2. both leg pain with increased muscle enzyme, azotemia 3. Previous Hx. Of HBV
Initial Assessment & Plan
1. Hypotension with tachycardia, hypoxia, metabolic acidosis, pancytopenia A) Septic shock 최근 sea food intake Hx., HBV carrier의 Hx., skin lesion Vibrio septic shock 가능성 P) W/U Blood & urine culture Korean antibody 4종 Legionella, Mycoplasma antibody Adequate hydration, Vasopressor ABGA f/u, Bicarbonate Antibiotics: Vancomycin, ciprofloxacin, doxycyline
increased muscle enzyme, azotemia A) Rhabdomyolysis d/t infection
2. both leg pain with increased muscle enzyme, azotemia A) Rhabdomyolysis d/t infection ARF (Ccr=33mL/min) d/t septic shock, rhabdomyolysis P) W/U Spot urine Na Cr BUN for FENa FEUN (FENa=0.084, FEUN=10.68) Abd US Adequate hydration Urine alkalinization Diuretics
3. Previous Hx. Of HBV A) if LC Child C (total 11~12) Septic shock에 의한 liver function악화 P)W/U Viral Marker Abd US or Abd CT
Abd US liver function deterioration d/t sepsis
Coarse liver parenchyma LC more likely HBsAg/HBcAb/HbsAb (+/+/-) Anti-HCV (-) #3. B viral LC, Child C (total 10 or 11) liver function deterioration d/t sepsis
Both leg (입원 11시간후)
Both leg pain 입원 17시간 후 LDH (U/L) CK (U/L) 4:00 599 992↑ 13:00 960
6890↑↑ leg swelling↑↑ Palpation: soft and tense Dorsalis pedis pulse(±) # 2. Soft tissue infection with rhabdomyolysis Compartment syndrome possible OS consult for fasciotomy
ABGA 내원 당시 Normal anion gap Metabolic acidosis (serum AG=10)
점차 High anion gap Bicarbonate 투여에도 반응 하지 않는 acidosis로 발전 pH pCO2 pO2 HCO3 SaO2 O2 5:00 7.30 29.8 98.3 14.4 96.8 4L 8:42 7.18 25.9 105.8 9.5 96.7 21:00 7.11 43.3 74.5 13.7 89.7 2L 23:01 7.03 21.38 101.9 5.6 94.5 2:43 6.84 34.3 95.9 5.7 90.1
Hospital course Septic shock으로 adm.
Both leg hemorrhagic bullae: 내원 11시간 Uncontrolled metabolic acidosis: 내원 20시간 Both leg compartment syn.으로 fasciotomy계획 Expire: 내원 25시간
Isolated Bacteria #1. Vibrio alginolyticus septic shock Wound Culture
2 개 Blood Culture 3 쌍 #1. Vibrio alginolyticus septic shock
History Chief complaint Both leg pain (onset: 1 day ago)
Present illness M/46, heavy alcoholics로서 1년 전 건강검진에서 DM 및 fatty liver 진단 내원 1주전 충남 당진에서 전어회, 새우회 먹었고 내원 1일전 부터 Lt. leg & Rt. foot edema, pain 생 겨 2차 병원 경유하여 본원 ER 내원
Past medical history DM/ HTN/ Hepatitis/ Pulmonary Tb (+/-/-/-) DM- No med Personal history Smoking (-) alcohol (+): 매일 소주 1병 Occupation history 건축업(담 쌓는 일)
Review of system General : fatigue (-) fever (-) chill (-) Malaise (+)
H & N : headache (+) sore throat (-) visual opacity (-) Chest : chest pain (-) palpitation (-) cough (-) sputum (-) dyspnea (-) GI : A/N/V/D/C (-/-/-/-/-) abdominal pain (-) Urinary : dysuria (-) frequency (-) urgency(-) voiding difficulty (-) Musculoskeletal : both leg pain (+) LBP(-)
Physical Examination V/S 70/50 mmHg-92 회/min-20 회/min-36.0 °C
Height: cm BW: 70 kg General : Alert SKIN : patch, purpura on both lower leg (especially Lt. leg) H/N : no thyroid gland enlargement no cervical LN enlargement no neck vein engorgement E/ENT : isocoric pupil with PLR(++/++) pinkish conjunctiva with clear sclerae Chest : CBS without crackle Regular heart beat without murmur Abdomen : soft and flat abdomen abdominal Td/RT(-/-) hypoactive B.S. Shifting dullness(-) B/Ext : CVA tenderness(-/-) pitting edema(-/-) Both leg swelling(++) purpura on lower leg
Lt lower leg skin lesion: 내원 당시
Initial Lab Finding CRP/Glu 14.9/162 mg/dL
CBC/DC :37,530/mm3-13.1g/dL-39.5%-226K (seg 92.9%) INR aPTT 54.7 Chemistry: TB/DB /1.55 mg/dL ALP/rGT /346 mg/dL BUN/Cr /1.8 mg/dL Na/K/Cl /3.4/102 mmol/L LDH/Uric acid 594/ mg/dL U/A : RBC 5-9/HPF WBC 5-9/HPF Protein(++) PH Specific gravity Occult blood (+++) ABGA: – % (RA) Prot/alb /2.4 g/dL AST/ALT /224 U/L Ca/P/Mg /3.3/1.5 mg/dL CRP/Glu /162 mg/dL CK/Myoglobin 493/853.3 ng/dL
Chest AP
Initial problem lists 1. hypotension with CRP & leukocytosis↑
septic shock 2. both leg pain with increased muscle enzyme, azotemia both leg skin lesion 3. LFT elevation 4. DM
Initial Assessment & Plan
1. hypotension with CRP & leukocytosis↑ A) Septic shock 최근 sea food intake Hx, daily alcohol intake, skin lesion Vibrio septic shock 가능성 P) W/U Blood & urine culture Legionella, Mycoplasma antibody Adequate hydration & Vasopressor Antibiotics: iv ciprofloxacin, doxycycline
increased muscle enzyme, azotemia & both leg skin lesion
2. both leg pain with increased muscle enzyme, azotemia & both leg skin lesion A) Rhabdomyolysis d/t infection ARF (Ccr=51mL/min) d/t septic shock, rhabdomyolysis P) W/U Spot urine Na Cr BUN for FENa FEUN (FENa=0.02, FEUN=7.33) Abd US Adequate hydration Urine alkalinization Diuretics skin lesion culture
3. LFT elevation 4. DM A) alcoholic hepatitis alcoholic LC, possible
P) w/u abd US viral marker 4. DM A) DM P) W/U HbA1C 6.8% OGTT insulin injection
Leg lesion 내원 1일 후 내원 3일 후
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