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Upper Darby Kindergarten Center

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1 Upper Darby Kindergarten Center 2017-2018
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2 Upper Darby Kindergarten Center
Opened in 1997 17 Kindergarten Teachers 2 Resource Room Teachers 2 Reading Teachers 2 Reading Tutors 2 ELL Teachers Services offered: Speech, Occupational and Physical Therapists, Fulltime Nurse, School Social Worker, and School Psychologist

3 Components of StoryTown
*Phonemic Awareness *High Frequency Words *Phonics *Word Building * Decodable Books *Skills and Strategies *Robust Vocabulary *Assessments given at end of theme

4 GO Math! * a focused program designed to meet the objectives and intent of the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics. * Twelve Chapters *Assessments given at the end of each chapter

5 “Power Block” Fundations is a systematic and explicit approach to reading and spelling with phonics.

6 Fundations Writing Grid
Sky Line Plane Line Grass Line Worm Line

7 MAP Testing MAP, or the Measure of Academic Progress, is a computerized adaptive test which helps teachers, parents, and administrators improve learning for all students and make informed decisions to promote a child's academic growth. MAP is used to measure a student's progress or growth in school. The testing information is important to teachers because it indicates what a student's strengths are and help that is needed in any specific area. Teachers can use this information to help them guide instruction in the classroom. The Reading MAP Test will be given the week of October 2nd and the Math MAP test will be given the week of October 9th. The MAP assessment will be given 2 more times this school year, in the winter and spring.

8 Weekly Homework


10 Sumdog uses game play to make math practice fun and engaging for students. It has an adaptive learning engine that automatically assigns appropriate practice for students, and teachers can also assign specific practice exercises. All K-5 students will be given login details for their new Sumdog account. This consists of a username, password, and school code. It will be provided on a login card to help each student remember his or her information. Students can log in to Sumdog by visiting and then clicking “Log in”. Please use Login and Password information provided by your child’s classroom teacher. Sumdog is also available in the Apple App Store or the Google Play Store for most iOS and Android devices. Students use the same login details for all devices.

11 Monthly Behavior Calendar

12 Issued in December, March, and June.
CONFERENCES Fall Conferences: Will be held on November 20, 21, and 22 (Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday) Conferences are full day and there is no school for students. Spring Conferences: March 20 & 21 (Tuesday and Wednesday) In March, students will have Early dismissal on those two days and conferences will be on an as needed basis only. REPORT CARDS Issued in December, March, and June.

13 Search staff directory for Karla McGonigle
Webpage District page Teacher Page Search staff directory for Karla McGonigle

14 Snack Time ONE small snack NO PEANUTS or PEANUT BUTTER PLEASE!
Water only! 8 oz. bottles or less. Please, do not send candy, Lunchables, juice or soda.


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