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Am Lit DO NOW 8-19-13 Gather week two Do Nows, staple name date on each piece of paper and turn them in to the US Mail BOX Then sit quietly with a CLEARED.

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Presentation on theme: "Am Lit DO NOW 8-19-13 Gather week two Do Nows, staple name date on each piece of paper and turn them in to the US Mail BOX Then sit quietly with a CLEARED."— Presentation transcript:

1 Am Lit DO NOW Gather week two Do Nows, staple name date on each piece of paper and turn them in to the US Mail BOX Then sit quietly with a CLEARED desk except for red pen homework from Fridayand a writing implement out. We will be using clickers today.

2 “The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano” by: Olaudah Equiano
To follow the quiz

3 Am Lit: After quiz Turn in paper quiz to Mail Box, return clicker.
Take Equiano handout, find your KWL chart (if you did not do one for your Do Now, fill in the chart on the handout). Answer at least question 1 before we start the handout together. If you can already, fill in the “what I learned” box at end of handout.

4 American Narrative Tradition
One of four traditional types of early American narratives Slave Narratives – an autobiographical account of the life of an enslaved person These narratives supported the abolitionist cause by revealing the horrors of slavery.

5 Am Lit: Do Now 8/20/13 Summarize the events that Equiano describes in his slave narrative.

6 Am Lit: Do Now 8/21/13 Name three things about Equiano’s story that you heard someone else say in class yesterday. If you were absent, tell me three details you remember from Equiano’s story.

7 Am Lit: Do Now 8/22/13 What was Equiano’s purpose for writing his autobiography. Sample response sentence frame: “Equiano’s purpose in writing his story is_________________ because he says “___________” which shows ________”

8 Am Lit 8/22/13 Equiano Quiz tomorrow? (or next Thursday with one more story added to it) Should I add NA lit stuff to it too for a second chance? Today we must make sure we are ready to pass a quiz. So, we’ll Review the highlighted packet homework from yesterday. Discuss your answers to the questions at the end of the packet Before we leave, you tell me what we still need to work on for Equiano. BINDER CHECK TOMORROW!!!

9 Am Lit DO NOW 8/23/13 If you were making a quiz for the Equiano story, what are 2 or 3 questions you would ask? (Take this seriously and you might know exactly what’ll be on the quiz next week) When done, have Equiano out with your answers to questions 1-8 from end of packet

10 Am Lit 8-23-13 Agenda: Binder Check and set-up while:
Finish up Equiano. Turn in Annontated packets for credit Binder Check and set-up while: Homework if we don’t finish in class Vocab Study wksht “Predicted Meaning” column Vocab Practice Part A On separate paper (notes for binder) two interesting facts about William Bradford (pg. 102), notes over pg. 103

11 Binder Set-Up Hard 3 ring binder that can stay in this class
Order of items: ALL ITEMS 3 HOLED PUNCHED First page Binder Check sheet Second page: syllabus Then first Tab title: Early Am. Lit. Notes from pg (Iroquois) Notes from today’s assignment (pgs ) Last tab titled Graded work or HW All work with a grade on it


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