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Multi-phase Synchronous Motors

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Presentation on theme: "Multi-phase Synchronous Motors"— Presentation transcript:

1 Multi-phase Synchronous Motors
Star and Delta Complex Dynamic Models of Multi-phase Synchronous Motors R. Zanasi, M.Fei Computer Science Engineering Department (DII) University of Modena and Reggio Emilia Italy

2 Outlines POG Modeling Technique Multi-Phase Synchronous Motors model
Star and Delta connected Motors Vectorial Control Simulations in Matlab/Simulink Conclusions R.Zanasi, M.Fei Star and Delta Complex Dynamic Models of Multi-phase Synchronous Motors 2

3 Outlines POG Modeling Technique Multi-Phase Synchronous Motors model
Star and Delta connected Motors Vectorial Control Simulations in Matlab/Simulink Conclusions R.Zanasi, M.Fei Star and Delta Complex Dynamic Models of Multi-phase Synchronous Motors 3

4 Power-Oriented Graphs
The Power-Oriented Graphs (POG) are ''block diagrams'' with a ''modular'' structure based on two main blocks: Elaboration block Connection block Stores and dissipates or generates energy Only transforms energy Direct correspondence between dashed sections and real power sections: Direct correspondence between POG scheme and state space equations Direct implementation of the POG scheme in Simulink Scalar product of two variables = power flowing through that section R.Zanasi, M.Fei Star and Delta Complex Dynamic Models of Multi-phase Synchronous Motors 4

5 Outlines POG Modeling Technique Multi-Phase Synchronous Motors model
Star and Delta connected Motors Vectorial Control Simulations in Matlab/Simulink Conclusions R.Zanasi, M.Fei Star and Delta Complex Dynamic Models of Multi-phase Synchronous Motors 5

6 Direct correspondence between dashed sections and real power sections:
POG scheme The POG scheme of the motors in the reduce complex reference frame: Torque Vector Mechanical part Electrical part Transformations Direct correspondence between dashed sections and real power sections: The structure of the POG model is the same whatever the type of stator connection is. R.Zanasi, M.Fei Star and Delta Complex Dynamic Models of Multi-phase Synchronous Motors 6

7 Transformations The connection blocks used to transform the current and the voltage vectors are : The Connection matrix is the only block of the POG scheme that is modified by the type of stator connection: Terminal vectors Phase vectors Transformed vectors The Complex transformations from fixed frame to rotaitng fame: it reduces the number of dynamic equations: complex subspaces it is power invariant: R.Zanasi, M.Fei Star and Delta Complex Dynamic Models of Multi-phase Synchronous Motors 7

8 Transformed Dynamic equations
The dynamic equations of the system can be directly obtained from the POG scheme: Electrical equations Torque Vector Mechanical equation Introducing the vectorial notation one obtains: Disadvantage: Notation quite difficult Advantage: The POG dynamic models can be directly implemented in Simulink whatever the number of phases is R.Zanasi, M.Fei Star and Delta Complex Dynamic Models of Multi-phase Synchronous Motors 8

9 Transformed Torque Vector
The motor torque is: Each component is characterized by specific harmonics constant torque torque ripple If the rotor flux is characterized by the first odd harmonics: constant torque Considering also the th harmonic: const. torque torque ripple R.Zanasi, M.Fei Star and Delta Complex Dynamic Models of Multi-phase Synchronous Motors 9

10 Outlines POG Modeling Technique Multi-Phase Synchronous Motors model
Star and Delta connected Motors Vectorial Control Simulations in Matlab/Simulink Conclusions R.Zanasi, M.Fei Star and Delta Complex Dynamic Models of Multi-phase Synchronous Motors 10

11 Star-connected motor When the multi-phase motor is star-connected:
The Connection matrix is the identity matrix: The last component of the transformed current vector is zero: The last differential equation of the transformed system becomes: The dynamic dimension of the system is: The generated motor torque is constant regardless the last component of const. torque torque ripple R.Zanasi, M.Fei Star and Delta Complex Dynamic Models of Multi-phase Synchronous Motors 11

12 The dynamic behavior is related to the type of rotor flux
Delta connected-motor When the multi-phase motor is delta-connected The Connection matrix is singular: The last component of the transformed voltage vector is zero: The last differential equation of the transformed system becomes: The dynamic behavior is related to the type of rotor flux R.Zanasi, M.Fei Star and Delta Complex Dynamic Models of Multi-phase Synchronous Motors 12

13 Delta connected-motor
When the rotor flux is characterized by the first odd harmonics: The dynamic dimension is An undesired ripple torque with a negative mean value is generated: When the rotor flux is characterized by the first odd harmonics: The dynamic dimension is in steady state condition The torque is constant: R.Zanasi, M.Fei Star and Delta Complex Dynamic Models of Multi-phase Synchronous Motors 13

14 Outlines POG Modeling Technique Multi-Phase Synchronous Motors model
Star and Delta connected Motors Vectorial Control Simulations in Matlab/Simulink Conclusions R.Zanasi, M.Fei Star and Delta Complex Dynamic Models of Multi-phase Synchronous Motors 14

15 Vectorial Control: equations
The Vectorial control law: The phase complex current vector is obtained from the terminal current vector. The optimal complex current reference vector minimizing the dissipation Problem: The connection matrix is singular in delta-connected motor. Solution: Diagonalize the connection matrix by the transformation matrix. R.Zanasi, M.Fei Star and Delta Complex Dynamic Models of Multi-phase Synchronous Motors 15

16 Vectorial Control: block diagram
Block diagram of a vectorial controlled Multi-Phase Synchronous Motor: Control law: feed-forward feed-back complex reference vector complex phase vector The POG scheme of the motors: R.Zanasi, M.Fei Star and Delta Complex Dynamic Models of Multi-phase Synchronous Motors 16

17 Outlines POG Modeling Technique Multi-Phase Synchronous Motors model
Star and Delta connected Motors Vectorial Control Simulations in Matlab/Simulink Conclusions R.Zanasi, M.Fei Star and Delta Complex Dynamic Models of Multi-phase Synchronous Motors 17

18 Matlab-Simulink vectorial controlled Multi-Phase Synchronous Motor:
Simulink scheme Matlab-Simulink vectorial controlled Multi-Phase Synchronous Motor: direct correspondence R.Zanasi, M.Fei Star and Delta Complex Dynamic Models of Multi-phase Synchronous Motors 18

19 Simulations Three different 5-phase motors have been compared:
1) star-connected motor with 2) delta-connected motor with 3) delta-connected motor with 2 3 1-2 3 1 R.Zanasi, M.Fei Star and Delta Complex Dynamic Models of Multi-phase Synchronous Motors 19

20 Conclusion General vectorial approach
The model and the control are independent of the number of stator phases and the type of stator connection Effectiveness of the vectorial control in the case of 5-phase star and delta connected motors R.Zanasi, M.Fei Star and Delta Complex Dynamic Models of Multi-phase Synchronous Motors 20

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