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Irradiation test of Pressure Transducers for the LHC machine

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1 Irradiation test of Pressure Transducers for the LHC machine
Results from 2002 test-campaign in TCC 2. Piezo resistive transducers

2 Poorly protected  high radiation dose
LHC requirements Position room temperature) Purpose Range (abs) Accuracy SSS 1.8 K phase separator mbar 0.3 %FS Cold mass 0..20 bar 0.5 %FS QRL line C line D DFB Helium bath 0..4 bar 1.5 %FS Poorly protected  high radiation dose RADWG Day, 9/ LHC/ACR/IN, T. Bager

3 TCC 2, Pneumatic and electric layout
Control room Radiation zone Vacuum pump Vacuum pump Transducers under test PT PT GHe, bar 100 mbar pressure reference PT TT On-line data acquistion RADWG Day, 9/ LHC/ACR/IN, T. Bager

4 Transducers under test
Membrane with 4 strain sensitive resistances moves with pressure. Resistances can be either metallic or piezo resistive. Bridge un-balance measured by remote electronic using either AC or DC excitation. Excitation + Excitation sense Signal + Signal - In 2002 is only tested transducers based on piezo resistive technology. 3x Keller PAA 11 and 3x STS TM212 Excitation sense Excitation - RADWG Day, 9/ LHC/ACR/IN, T. Bager

5 On-line monitoring @ constant true pressure
Pressure = 16 mbar abs 2 1 1 : STS TM s/n Courtesy S. Kaczmarek Transducer 2 : Keller PAA11 s/n 47838 RADWG Day, 9/ LHC/ACR/IN, T. Bager

6 Evolution of transfer function
mbar mV dU Gain shift dp Offset shift RADWG Day, 9/ LHC/ACR/IN, T. Bager

7 Piezo resistive transducers, evolution with dose
6 sensors of 2 types Gain shift [%] Offset shift [% of span] A transducer type does not have a well defined drift with accumulated dose ! RADWG Day, 9/ LHC/ACR/IN, T. Bager

8 Piezo resistive transducers, gain and offset drift with radiation.
Gain drift [ppm/Gy] Offset drift [ppm of span / Gy] ~ Gy ~ Gy RADWG Day, 9/ LHC/ACR/IN, T. Bager

9 Estimated survival time in LHC tunnel
Requirement : radiation caused drift < 0.1 %FS Transducer type Arc (10-20 Gy/y) DS ( Gy/y) Piezo resistive strain gauge ~ 1 year ~ 1 month Integrated electronic < 1 month < 1 week Metallic strain gauge > 60 years > 6 years RADWG Day, 9/ LHC/ACR/IN, T. Bager

10 Conclusion: the test facility
A facility allowing on-line monitoring of pressure transducers is operational in TCC 2. Operation during radiation Remotely controlled valves & vacuum pumps 10-2 mbar – 20 bar absolute 3 pressure reference instruments Multimeters & scanners and voltage/current supplies Possible improvement : better information on the spatial distribution of radiation in TCC 2 zone RADWG Day, 9/ LHC/ACR/IN, T. Bager

11 Outlook High pressure range 100 mbar abs range
Pressure transducers for the 4 and 20 bar ranges are chosen => Based on metallic strain gauges with remote electronic. 100 mbar abs range Presently the only potential suitable candidate refuses to cooperate with CERN allegating intellectual property issues. Inductive, capacitive, Siemens piezo and vibrating beam technologies will be tested in All applying remote electronic. A decision regarding the application of this transducer channel in the LHC control system shall be taken by the end of 2004. RADWG Day, 9/ LHC/ACR/IN, T. Bager

12 Appendix : Calibration shift of metallic and piezo resistive sensors
RADWG Day, 9/ LHC/ACR/IN, T. Bager

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