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The Role of Priority Families Employment Advisors

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Presentation on theme: "The Role of Priority Families Employment Advisors"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Role of Priority Families Employment Advisors
Katy Pearson, Monica Bryce & Rob Harrod Priority Families Programme Nottingham City Health & Wellbeing Board 1

2 Learning outcome: To give you a better understanding of the role of Priority Families Employment Advisors within the Priority Families Programme. 2

3 Priority Families Employment Advisors
Who are we? Why are we part of Priority Families? Introduce ourselves We are “out stationed” from the DWP to NCC Katy has been part of the programme since April 2013 Rob and Monica joined April 2015 as part of Phase 2 (now 307 advisors like us in England). We have areas of specialism Each of us has an assigned area of the city, but will support each others areas when necessary 3

4 Services we can offer Consult with practitioners to support families into work Source local training opportunities Source volunteering/work experience Guidance on benefits Practical support with CV’s, job applications, etc Support families to stay in work We work directly with families when appropriate, but mainly offer a consultancy service as we will not be here for ever. Sometimes turning around one member of the family can have a positive effect on the rest of the families desire to get into work/training 4

5 In the current Priority Families Training we deliver:-
An overview of benefits Universal Credit and the changes coming The psychology of work Better off myth busting Get Britain working initiatives This is what is included in the current Priority Families training Psychology of work – affects family members self esteem and motivation Get Britain working:- Apprenticeships Traineeships Nottingham Jobs Fund Social Media – Face book / Twitter If you feel there is something that you feel need some training on then let us know and we can organise some training for you Bigger group would be more practical for training

6 Universal Credit Presentations
Universal Credit (UC) is new benefit being introduced to replace a range of benefits and tax credits. The aim of UC is to make work pay. We can deliver presentations at Team meetings to help to support you and your families in your understanding of this. Universal Credit will be introduced in Nottingham City by the end of the year It will be for single claimants only, but will be rolled out to families over the next two years So it is important to have an understanding of it

7 Any questions? 7

8 Thank you Priority Families Employment Advisors
Nottingham North: Katy Pearson -  Nottingham Central: Monica Bryce –    Nottingham South: Rob Harrod – Priority Families Employment Advisors KATY Thank you for taking part in our workshop Hope you found it useful 8

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