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SVP’s Principles in Action

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Presentation on theme: "SVP’s Principles in Action"— Presentation transcript:

1 SVP’s Principles in Action

2 Your name What keeps you busy during the day? What’s an example of a circumstance in your life (beyond your control) that helped put you in the position to be able to participate in SVP? What do you find most compelling about the work of SVP?

3 Reacted in times of adversity?
What are the guiding principles or values by which you’ve abided that have dictated how you’ve: Acted toward others? Reacted in times of adversity? Helped guide you to where you are today?

4 Engaged Venture Philanthropy
Entrepreneurial Spirit Philanthropic Education Community & Collaborative Action Mutual Respect Accountability & Results

5 Engaged Venture Philanthropy
1 Engaged Venture Philanthropy

6 Entrepreneurial Spirit
2 Entrepreneurial Spirit

7 Philanthropic Education
3 Philanthropic Education

8 Community & Collaborative Action
4 Community & Collaborative Action

9 5 Mutual Respect

10 Accountability & Results
6 Accountability & Results

11 How do these SVP principles align with your own individual guiding principles or values?
How do they differ from your own? If necessary, how might you reconcile any gaps between individual and SVP guiding principles in order to make the most out of your SVP experience?

12 How could SVP’s principles guide your response and next steps?
Where do you see examples of SVP’s principles guiding (or not guiding) the partner’s actions? How could SVP’s principles guide your response and next steps?

13 If we bring Focused on To Then we help them (types of resources)
(what kinds of results) (whom / what kind of beneficiary groups) (create what) If we bring Focused on To Then we help them

14 If we bring Focused on To Then we help them
(types of resources) (what kinds of results) (whom / what kind of beneficiary groups) (create what) If we bring Focused on To Then we help them smart, patient money, relationships, and skills critical capacity-building areas early- to mid-stage Boston-area direct service nonprofits, with programs that advance educational or economic opportunities for children, youth, and families, and that have leaders who value outside counsel and can embrace change to deliver sustainable, high quality programs that produce measurable outcomes for the children, youth, and families they serve

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