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Welcome to BizConnect Centre LOGAN presentation.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to BizConnect Centre LOGAN presentation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to BizConnect Centre LOGAN presentation.
An initiative of: Logan Office of Economic Development and: Logan City Council

2 Introduction Starting your own business is a major financial investment decision and: also an equally major- life changing decision. Most new business owners enter into their business with very limited information mainly because they don’t understand enough to ask the right questions.

3 Introduction Starting your own business in a new country where you don’t really understand the business rules, customs and language is an even bigger challenge. Gathering and understanding information is equally challenging. Finding a trusted source of support possibly the most challenging.

4 Introduction One of the biggest problems that I see with most start-ups is that they: DON’T KNOW WHAT THEY DON’T KNOW about getting into business.

5 Introduction The Logan Office of Economic Development runs a series of free workshops for people wanting to get into business and is offering a special series of workshops in conjunction with Access for migrants in Logan wanting to better understand what they need to know about doing business in Australia.

6 Session 1 Content The hidden pressures of being in business.
Business Structures - What is the right structure for your business. Legal requirements - What are your legal obligations. Taxation Compliance - Do you have the right information to be compliant. Business Operations - What will you need to set up to run your business. For more info contact

7 Session 2 Content The importance of having a Business Plan.
Market Research. What you need to know about your market place. Location / Premises. Setting up- your business equipment

8 Session 3 Content How to cost your products and or Services
How much should you charge Purchasing / Dealing with Suppliers

9 Session 4 Content Positioning your business Developing your Marketing
Developing your logos and marketing materials What, Where and When of advertising

10 More Information For more information please talk to us at our stand or contact us on contact our office on

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