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La Comida de España y México

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Presentation on theme: "La Comida de España y México"— Presentation transcript:

1 La Comida de España y México
Created by Educational Technology Network

2 JEOPARDY Mexican Foods Postres y Bebidas ¿España, México, los dos? Spanish Foods Condimentos y Comidas 10 10 10 10 10 20 20 20 20 20 30 30 30 30 30 40 40 40 40 40 50 50 50 50 50

3 Name the National Dish of México

4 “Los Huevos Divorciados”
Describe (in English) “Los Huevos Divorciados”

5 What are “elotes”? How are they typically served/eaten?

6 What is “ceviche”?

7 What is the difference between these foods? Taco, Tostada, Enchilada

8 “el bizcocho/la torta” mean in English?
What does “el bizcocho/la torta” mean in English?

9 What is another Spanish word for “la gaseosa”?

10 Name the following in Spanish… “Una bebida hecha de leche y helado”

11 Name (en español) 4 ingredients of “la sangria”

12 How do you say the following in Spanish?
Cookies Juice Candy Milk Hot chocolate

13 The tortilla is the base of many foods from this country, including tacos, tostadas and enchiladas

14 They eat churros and flan for dessert

15 Popular ingredients in this country include saffron, paprika, olive oil and almonds

16 Typical snacks are foods sold on the street from vendors in this country

17 The regional dish of this country is made from rice, seasoned with saffron, served with seafood and chicken

18 What is “tortilla española”?

19 Name two typical desserts in Spain

20 What are 4 ingredients of “paella”? (English ok)

21 Name three examples of Spanish “tapas”
(en Español)

22 Name (English Ok) the 5 main ingredients of Spanish foods

23 How do you say “breakfast” in Spanish?

24 Name this condiment in Spanish…

25 Name EN ESPAÑOL… Lunch Dinner Snack

26 Name these two condiments in Spanish

27 Name these 4 condiments in Spanish

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