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Chapter 20 – Global Interdependence

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1 Chapter 20 – Global Interdependence
Main Idea: The world is so connected now economically, that the actions of one nation now affect those of all nations. Terrorism is also affected and has caused a need for connected defenses.

2 Technology & World’s Economy
Computers and other advances have increased global communication and jobs Developed Nations (have manufacturing) started losing out to Emerging Nations (those industrializing) New locations, cheap labor, many workers

3 Global Economy All of a sudden all economies tied together
Global economy is all financial interactions both government and business Exxon, GM, Ford, Shell and so on Free Trade (no tariffs or trade barriers) has allowed this expansion Started in 1947 with GATT then NAFTA, WTO, EU


5 Globalization: Good or Bad?
Open competitive markets Flow of goods, services, technology Increased standard of living across world Bad: Only developed nations profit Poor countries only used for cheap labor and goods Pollution (CFCs, Ozone Layer)

6 Global Security United Nations created after WWII to help secure the globe Peace keepers (40,000 soldiers worldwide)

7 WMDs Weapons of Mass Destruction became major issue
Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty signed (1968) to stop nuclear proliferation (the spread of nukes) Saddam Hussein did not heed this and used chemical agents on his own people (Kurds) Caused Operation Desert Storm Because many people have had to flee home lands and became refugees


9 Human Rights Issues Universal Declaration of Human Rights accepted by UN in 1948 Set standard rights for all nation UNFORTUNATELY, NOT EVERY NATION AND PEOPLE AGREE TO THIS

10 Terrorism Terrorism- tactics to try to achieve political or social goals, whether to bring down governments, eliminate opponents or promote a cause (IT IS NOT NEW) Since 1960 there have been over 14,000 attacks

11 Terrorist Methods Bombs and bullets Biological or chemical weapons
Cyberterrorism (hacking)

12 Response US created Department of Homeland Security & Patriot Act
Try and keep terrorist out or at least have an idea of what is going on

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