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TLW: to determine the Latin and Greek affixes

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1 TLW: to determine the Latin and Greek affixes
Unit 6 Formatives TLW: to determine the Latin and Greek affixes

2 Formatives Unit 6, Word 1 Formative word: centipede (noun)
Define: cent- hundred (r) Meaning: Insect with two legs per body segment. Sentence: Centipedes have an elongated, flattened body composed of from 15 to 173 segments, each with a pair of legs, the first pair being modified into poison fangs.

3 Formatives Unit 6, Word 2 Formative word: chronological (adjective)
Define: chrono- time (r) Meaning: chronological – arranged in time order. Sentence: The picture displays the evolution of the coke bottle; they are arranged in chronological order.

4 Formatives Unit 6, Word 3 Formative word: propel (verb)
Define: pro—forward, forth, before (prefix) Meaning: drive, push, or cause to move in a particular direction, typically forward Sentence: Winning the Heisman trophy helped to propel his professional football career. The boat is propelled by using a very long paddle.

5 Formatives Unit 6, Word 4 Formative word: autobiographic (adjective)
Define: graph, gram, graf—write, draw (root) Meaning: story dealing with one‘s own life written by that person Sentence: Mr. Harrison wrote autobiographic memoirs about his life.

6 Formatives Unit 6, Word 5 Formative word: project (verb)
Define: ject--throw (r) Meaning: project – to throw or cast Sentence: Christopher projected a movie on the side of the house with a computer and projector.

7 Formatives Unit 6, Word 6 Formative word: graceful (adjective)
Define: ful-full of (s) Meaning: graceful-full of grace . Sentence: The graceful dancer was an elegant ballerina.

8 Formatives Unit 6, Word 7 Formative word: courageous (adjective)
Define: ous—full of (s) Meaning: courageous- full of courage Sentence: Billy was very courageous when he slept in the cave.

9 Formatives Unit 6, Word 8 Formative word: artist (noun)
Define: ist—a person who does (s) Meaning: artist –a person who produces any type of art: painter or sculptor. Sentence: At BJHS, we have many talented artist: painters, illustrators, and performers.

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