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Eras of Lit: Victorians

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1 Eras of Lit: Victorians
Ap english lit

2 Essential Questions When is progress a problem? Can values be imposed?
Is it better to escape or face reality? Why do people fear change?

3 The Victorians (1832-1901) Gradual shift from romanticism to realism
Early Victorians were still inspired by many of the Romantic ideals Poets like Robert Browning and Alfred, Lord Tennyson were raised on the Romantics Growing sense that poetry might be irrelevant to most Realism tries to capture everyday life as it was really lived Rather than ignoring science and industrialization (as romanticism did) realistic writers shed light on any and all corners of 19th century life Psychological Realism seeks to portray the inner development of complex characters (noteworthy – George Eliot aka Mary Ann Evans)

4 Middlemarch by George Eliot
Annotate important words or phrases as we read the passage. Work with a partner to discuss narrative voice and selection of detail. Tie these observations to a characterization of the complex relationship between the two characters.

5 The Victorians ( ) Late Victorian writing moved into naturalism and escapist fiction Naturalism – an offshoot of realism, naturalism saw the universe as an uncaring force, indifferent to human suffering. Naturalist writers packed their novels with harsh details of industrialized life, unrelieved by humor or a happy ending. As an alternative, escapist fiction became increasingly popular Science Fiction – H.G. Wells Detective Fiction – Arthur Conan Doyle Children’s Lit – Lewis Carroll Adventure/Empire – Rudyard Kipling Dry wit – Oscar Wilde

6 The Mayor of Casterbridge by Thomas Hardy
Annotate important words or phrases as we read the passage. Work with a partner to discuss word choice and selection of detail. As a class, brainstorm labels for tone. Tie these observations to a characterization of the complex relationship between the two characters. Sample essays here.

7 “She Walks in Beauty” by Lord Byron
Annotate important words or phrases as we read the poem aloud. Work with your table partner to paraphrase each stanza. Discuss how the author uses connotation, imagery, and figurative language to develop his central idea Identify one or two labels for the tone these literary devices develop.

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