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Monitoring EFA Progress: National and International Perspectives

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1 Monitoring EFA Progress: National and International Perspectives
Albert Motivans EFA Coordinator Meeting 4 – 7 May 2009 Bangkok, THAILAND

2 Trends in monitoring EFA and MDGs
Increasing demand for education data, heightened expectations of users Growing complexity of the operating environment: many new players Integration of many data sources Weaknesses in statistical infrastructure and capacity at the country level Monitoring national plans vs. international goals National indicators vs. international indicators Profusion of indicators

3 How are global data reported?
World Development Indicators UIS Global Education Digest UIS DATA First our flagship print publication is the Global Education Digest, but we also put equal emphasis on our Data Centre We also release Education Counts which is a special data collection for 19 countries We also provide the monitoring data which are reported in the Global Monitoring Report But UIS education data are also published in the main development reports, such as the HDR, SOWC and World Development Indicators EFA Global Monitoring Report State of the World’s Children UIS/WEI Education Counts Human Development Report

4 How does UIS collect the education data?
UIS compiles administrative data from the governments UOE data collection U=UNESCO; O=OECD; E=EUROSTAT World Education Indicators (WEI) Survey on statistics of education 46 countries 150 countries and territories 16 countries

5 Calendar of data dissemination for Survey 2009
Not for publication For revision and comments Countries Preliminary November 2008 For publication: WB-WDI Incomplete: No WEI/OECD Provisional December 2008 More complete GED 2010, website and agencies Revised May 2009 Most complete data Final web release Final October 2009

6 National concerns about monitoring indicators
How come UIS releases an indicator which is different from ours? Why doesn’t UIS or GMR use the indicators from my country which we claim are official? How does UIS get the data from the country? Who is reporting what and how? Represent one single value at the national level doesn’t explain much as there is a huge diversity in the country. How do international bodies address this issue? 6

7 National and international statistical frameworks

8 Producing the indicators at the global level
Gross Enrolment Ratio for ISCED (Country A) Number of enrolment at ISCED 1 = Population of age-group theoretically corresponding to a given education (ISCED) 8

9 Can it be difference from the one produced by the country
ISCED – International Standard Classification on Education level 1 Gross Enrolment Ratio for ISCED 1 (Country A) – Year 2006 Number of enrolment at ISCED 1 = Population of age-group corresponding to a given education (ISCED 1) For the UIS, school year means 2006 From the country, enrolment by age, re-group to as necessary. There are may difference sources at the country level Attendance and Enrolment – Is it same, interchangeable? From the population projection by United Nations Population Division 9

10 Adjusted net enrolment rate
Out-of-school children are redefined: Children of primary school age are counted as being in school when they are either in primary or secondary education. Primary school age children in pre-primary education are counted as out of school. Total NER of NER+ is more appropriate to monitor MDGs and EFA

11 Thank-you for your attention
For the most recent global education data, visit the UIS Data Centre - next release in early May 2009 Look for the new UIS Global Education Digest 2009 focusing on trends in higher education The release date is July 2009

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