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Aim: How do we learn the following: use the present perfect tense; may, might, and could; and infinitives?

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Presentation on theme: "Aim: How do we learn the following: use the present perfect tense; may, might, and could; and infinitives?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Aim: How do we learn the following: use the present perfect tense; may, might, and could; and infinitives?

2 Do Now: In your book or on a separate sheet of paper, answer the following question by writing five sentences like the example sentences: What has happened in our school? Example Sentences 1) She has not been absent. 2) They have finished their homework. 3) Students have taken a quiz two times in our English class. 4) The professor has taught since 2008. 5) He has attended Kyonggi for one year..

3 How is the present perfect tense used? (Pages 198 and 199)
1) She has not been absent. 2) They have finished their homework. 3) Students have taken a quiz two times in our English class. 4) The professor has taught since 5) He has attended Kyonggi for one year..

4 Various Uses of the Present Perfect Tense

5 Uses Past Participles of Verbs
common-irregular-verb-list.php Link for various uses of past participles of irregular verbs

6 Use With Since and For for Time Periods

7 Present Perfect Tense With Adverbs

8 Structure of the Present Perfect Tense

9 Present Perfect Tense Practice

10 More Present Perfect Tense Practice

11 May, Might, and Could (Page 189)
I may/might/could go to America this year. Donald Trump may/might/could visit Korea next year. Use may not and might not, but not could not to talk about things that will probably not happen. She might not/may not attend Kyonggi University next semester. She could not attend Kyonggi next semester..  (not used at all)

12 May, Might, and Could Listening Practice (Page 190, Part C)

13 May, Might, and Could Practice

14 Infinitive of Purpose (Pages 188 and 189)
Infinitve Usage Example Sentences I went to Daegu. To speak better English, communicate with English speaking friends. We take College English I to try to speak and listen in English better. We study College English II to have better reading and writing skills in English.

15 Infinitive of Purpose Practice

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