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Bellwork: Sept. 12-13 Have your flashcards for Lesson 3 vocab out on your desk. Try writing these sentences in Latin! The girl is strange. Small roads.

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Presentation on theme: "Bellwork: Sept. 12-13 Have your flashcards for Lesson 3 vocab out on your desk. Try writing these sentences in Latin! The girl is strange. Small roads."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bellwork: Sept Have your flashcards for Lesson 3 vocab out on your desk. Try writing these sentences in Latin! The girl is strange. Small roads are hard. Farmers love land and water.

2 When are these verbs taking place?
She is walking. She was walking. Mary walked down the street. Mary had walked down the street to meet Mark. Mark walks down the street when he sees Mary. Mark and Mary will walk to each other. Yesterday Mary will have walked down the street. Tense tells WHEN the verb took place. Past Walked Had walked Will have walked Was walking Present Is walking walks Future Will walk

3 Are these verbs singular or plural? (Hint: Look at the subject!)
Jimmy hits the ball. I love coffee. We need a vacation! Y’all write down the assignment. They see the birds in the park. Pete and Sally grab the paper. You work hard. Singular: one person/thing doing the verb Hits Love Work Plural: more than one person/thing doing the verb Need Write See Grab

4 What person are these verbs?
Singular Plural 1st person I We 2nd person You Ya’ll 3rd person He/She/It They Jimmy hits the ball. I love coffee. We need a vacation! Y’all write down the assignment. They see the birds in the park. Pete and Sally grab the paper. You work hard. 1st person includes the speaker 2nd person is the listener 3rd person is the “other people”

5 So what’s up with all of these verb parts anyway?
1st principal part=1st person singular present tense (AMO=I love) 2nd principal part=infinitive “to verb” (AMāRE= to love) 3rd principal part=1st person singular perfect (past) tense (AMAVI=I loved) 4th principal part=participle/past tense adjective form (AMATUS=the loved NOUN)

6 Review! Tense= Person= Number= Conjugation=
What do the principal parts do?

7 Translate these verbs! amo paras spectat spectas paro laborat portamus
amatis parant portant amamus paratis laboramus parat est sunt

8 Translate these sentences!
Puella terram spectat. Multam aquam portant. Puella bona viam duram spectat. Puellae et agricolae aquam parant. Agricola et puella silvam spectant.

9 Fill in the correct endings!
Vit___ dur___ est. Vi___ nov___ sunt bon___. Puellae silv___ amant. Agricol___ aquam bonam spectant. Long___ insul___ agricolae amant.

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