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The Greatest example of absolutism ever experienced in Europe.

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Presentation on theme: "The Greatest example of absolutism ever experienced in Europe."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Greatest example of absolutism ever experienced in Europe.
The Reign of Louis XIV The Greatest example of absolutism ever experienced in Europe.

2 What impact did the reign of Louis XIV have on Europe?
French culture, language, & manners reached into all levels of European society. The court of Louis XIV was imitated throughout Europe.

3 Why did Cardinals Richelieu & Mazarin possess more power than Louis XIII & Louis XIV for a while?
Both Louis XIII & Louis XIV were only boys when they inherited the throne and these Cardinals ruled as their royal ministers until they were old enough to rule.

4 Why did Louis XIV call himself the Sun King?
He saw himself as the “Sun King” or the source of light for all of his people.

5 Name the 3 purposes of the Royal Court that Louis XIV established @ Versailles.
It was the personal household of the king. The chief offices of state were located there. (So Louis could watch over them.) Versailles was the place where powerful subjects came to find favors and offices for themselves.

6 As an absolute monarch, Louis XIV had control over what areas of Royal power?
Foreign policy The Church Taxes Military Making laws Etc.

7 In what ways was Jeane-Baptiste Colbert helpful to Louis XIV?
Because of Louis’ costly living, maintaining his court, building palaces, & pursuing wars, Colbert, controller-general of finances was very helpful to Louis: To decrease imports & increase exports, he granted subsidies to new industries. Built roads & canals to improve transportation of goods. Raised tariffs on foreign goods to decrease imports.

8 What action did Louis XIV take to ensure French dominance of European affairs?
He developed a standing army of four hundred thousand. He waged four wars between 1667 and 1713 in which he increased French territory and set up his own dynasty on the throne of Spain.

9 How did Louis XIV attempt to control behavior of his nobles.
All nobles were enticed to live a Versailles. Louis made it clear that anyone who hoped to obtain an office, title, or pension from the king had to participate in his court. Nobles & royal princes had to follow certain rules. Louis kept the nobles so involved in court life (hunting, boating trips, plays, ballets, concerts, & gambling) that they stayed out of his politics.

10 Why did Louis like the gambling that took place at Versailles?
Louis was pleased by any activity that kept the nobles busy and out of politics.

11 What legacy did Louis XIV leave behind?
He left France with great debts and surrounded by enemies. According to his words to his grandson, Louis regretted his elaborate overspending which burdened his people, and his involvement in wars which created enemies with his neighbors in Europe.

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