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Jacob Heabeart 3rd Hour Career Technology 5/8/14

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Presentation on theme: "Jacob Heabeart 3rd Hour Career Technology 5/8/14"— Presentation transcript:

1 Jacob Heabeart 3rd Hour Career Technology 5/8/14
Pediatrician Jacob Heabeart 3rd Hour Career Technology 5/8/14

2 What is a pediatrician? They give out physicals
A pediatrician is a doctor for children They examine the children with a close eye They give out physicals They prescribe medicine

3 Nature of work Diagnose kids Administer Vaccines Examine children
Prescribe medicine Treat injuries

4 Working conditions Physical and mental work Inside an office
The hours vary depending on the doctor’s preference Environment is happy and work with children

5 TQA Doctorate, bachelor degree, residency in pediatrics, and a fellowship University of Michigan Biology, anatomy and physiology Employment rate is around 30,000 pediatricians It is not a competitive occupation I hope to find this career near home No Particular places

6 Salary My lifestyle goals is to make over $150,000 a year
Annual average salary is $170,000ish This meets my goals My first purchase will be paying any debt off

7 Pharmacist Give medicine to customer
In pharmacy inside air conditioning and heat University of Phoenix Seems like a good job $120,000 annually

8 Summary I like this job because is pays a lot and the hours are good.
I look forward to the pay the most, I look forward to the parents the least I have learned that a pediatrician is a good job

9 References

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