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Photo Page Supporting Pictures.

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Presentation on theme: "Photo Page Supporting Pictures."— Presentation transcript:

1 Photo Page Supporting Pictures

2 What’s Required? Select personal photo that displays your skills
Describe what is taking place Summary must include the following: Who is in the photo? When did this activity take place? Where did this activity take place? What is the activity? What is the objective of this activity? How did you achieve the objective? Why was the activity important? What have you learned by working on this activity?

3 Chemical Control of Weeds
One of my responsibilities while employed during the summer of 2007 at Polytech High School, required that I spray Round Up on the weeds around the foundation yews along this wall. Killing weed growth eliminates the competition for sunlight, water, and soil nutrients that are important for the yews to grow healthy. This task helped to improve my skills in weed identification, as well as how to properly use of chemicals and spray equipment. These skills will strengthen my chances in securing a job in wildlife management.

4 Minimum Requirement! Include a descriptive caption for the activity taking place in the photo that is a minimum of 50 words. Check your spelling and grammatics Title your photo page Photos with corresponding captions must be kept one per page Be sure your photo is not to dark or out of focus You must be in the photo Your photo must represent a skill that supports your career objective Good photos will set you apart from your competitors

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