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Spin dependent fragmentation function analysis at Belle

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1 Spin dependent fragmentation function analysis at Belle
October 5,京都,日本 M. Grosse Perdekamp (University of Illinois and RBRC) A. Ogawa (BNL/RBRC) R. Seidl (University of Illinois and RBRC)

2 Measurement of the Collins fragmentation function at BELLE
KEKB: L>1.6x1034cm-2s-1 !! Asymmetric collider 8GeV e GeV e+ Ös = 10.58GeV (U(4S)) e+e-U(4S)BB Off-resonance: GeV e+e-qq (u,d,s,c) Integrated Luminosity: >600 fb-1 >60fb-1 => off-resonance Belle detector KEKB Spin2006, October 6th Measurement of the Collins fragmentation function at BELLE

3 Good tracking and particle identification!
Spin2006, October 6th Measurement of the Collins fragmentation function at BELLE

4 Collins fragmentation in e+e- : Angles and Cross section cos(f1+f2) method
e+e- CMS frame: j2-p thrustaxis e- Q j1 j2 j1 [D.Boer: PhD thesis(1998)] e+ 2-hadron inclusive transverse momentum dependent cross section: First |kT| moments of Collins Function H1⊥ Net (anti-)alignment of transverse quark spins Spin2006, October 6th Measurement of the Collins fragmentation function at BELLE

5 Collins fragmentation in e+e- : Angles and Cross section cos(2f0) method
e+e- CMS frame: Independent of thrust-axis Convolution integral I over transverse momenta involved e- Q2 j0 [Boer,Jakob,Mulders: NPB504(1997)345] e+ 2-hadron inclusive transverse momentum dependent cross section: Convolution integral erklaeren! Net (anti-)alignment of transverse quark spins Spin2006, October 6th Measurement of the Collins fragmentation function at BELLE

6 Measurement of the Collins fragmentation function at BELLE
Applied cuts, binning Originally off_resonance data, now also on_resonance data (29.1  547 fb-1) Track selection: pT > 0.1GeV vertex cut: dr<2cm, |dz|<4cm Acceptance cut -0.6 < cosqi < 0.9 Event selection: Ntrack  3 Thrust > 0.8 Z1, Z2>0.2 Hemisphere cut QT < 3.5 GeV Pion PID selection Spin2006, October 6th Measurement of the Collins fragmentation function at BELLE

7 Examples of fits to azimuthal asymmetries
N(f)/N0 Cosine modulations clearly visible 2f0 (f1+f2) Radiativen Term schon einfuehren, proportional zu 1 D1 : spin averaged fragmentation function, H1: Collins fragmentation function No change in cosine moments when including sine and higher harmonics Spin2006, October 6th Measurement of the Collins fragmentation function at BELLE

8 Measurement of the Collins fragmentation function at BELLE
Methods to eliminate gluon contributions: Double ratios and subtractions Double ratio method: Pros: Acceptance cancels out Cons: Works only if effects are small (both gluon radiation and signal) Subtraction method: Pros: Gluon radiation cancels out exactly Cons: Acceptance effects remain 2 methods give very small difference in the result Spin2006, October 6th Measurement of the Collins fragmentation function at BELLE

9 Other Favored/Unfavored Combinations charged pions or p0
Challenge: current double ratios not very sensitive to favored to disfavored Collins function ratio  Examine other combinations: Unlike-sign pion pairs (U): (favored x favored + unfavored x unfavored) Like-sign pion pairs (L): (favored x unfavored + unfavored x favored) p±p0 pairs (favored + unfavored) x (favored + unfavored) P.Schweitzer([hep-ph/ ]): charged pp pairs are similar (and easier to handle) (C): UL UC Build new double ratios: Unlike-sign/ charged pp pairs (UC) Favored = up+,dp-,cc. Unfavored = dp+,up-,cc. Spin2006, October 6th Measurement of the Collins fragmentation function at BELLE

10 Measurement of the Collins fragmentation function at BELLE
Why is it possible to include on_resonance data? Different Thrust distributions e+e-qq̅, q∈uds e+e-cc̅ small B contribution (<1%) in high thrust sample >75% of X-section continuum under U (4S) resonance 29 fb-1  547 fb-1 many systematic errors reduce with more statistics Charm-tagged Data sample also increases Spin2006, October 6th Measurement of the Collins fragmentation function at BELLE

11 Improved Systematic errors (UC)
Tau contributions PID systematics* MC double ratios Charged ratios (p+p+ /p-p- ) Higher order terms Double ratio-subtraction method A0 (cos(2f0)) moments A12 (cos(f1 + f2)) moments Reweighting asymmetries: underestimation of cos(f1+f2) asymmetries rescaled by 1.21 Correlation studies: statistical errrors rescaled by 1.02 (UL) and 0.55 (UC) Beam polarization studies consistent with zero Spin2006, October 6th Measurement of the Collins fragmentation function at BELLE

12 Collins asymmetries I: 4x4 z1, z2 binning
A0 (cos(2f0)) moments A12 (cos(f1 + f2)) moments PRELIMINARY PRELIMINARY 547 fb-1 charm corrected data sample, UL and UC double ratios Spin2006, October 6th Measurement of the Collins fragmentation function at BELLE

13 Collins asymmetries II: sin2 q/(1+cos2 q) binning (UL)
Nonzero quark polarization ~ sin2 q Unpolarized de-nominator ~ 1+cos2 q Clear linear behavior seen when using either thrustz or 2nd hadron as polar angle Better agreement for thrust axis (~approximate quark axis) UC plots similar PRELIMINARY thrustz q2 Spin2006, October 6th Measurement of the Collins fragmentation function at BELLE

14 Interference Fragmentation – thrust method
e+e- (p+p-)jet1(p-p+)jet2X Stay in the mass region around r-mass Find pion pairs in opposite hemispheres Observe angles j1+j2 between the event-plane (beam, jet-axis) and the two two-pion planes. Transverse momentum is integrated (universal function, evolution easy  directly applicable to semi-inclusive DIS and pp) Theoretical guidance by papers of Boer,Jakob,Radici and Artru,Collins Early work by Collins, Heppelman, Ladinski j2-p p-j1 Spin2006, October 6th Measurement of the Collins fragmentation function at BELLE

15 Measurement of the Collins fragmentation function at BELLE
Unpolarized FFs Performed Systematic studies: Smearing Tracking efficiency Acceptance Energy scale Particle ID study not yet finished AKK: Try flavor tagged/enhanced analysis? How about 2 hadron analysis  favored,disfavored FF MC simulation, ~1.4 fb-1 1.4 fb-1, 4.5·106 events 2.5 % of off_resonance data 2. Spin2006, October 6th Measurement of the Collins fragmentation function at BELLE

16 Measurement of the Collins fragmentation function at BELLE
Summary and outlook Double ratios: double ratios from data most systematic errors cancel Analysis procedure passes all null tests Systematic uncertainties understood Statistics increased from 29  547 fb-1  Significant nonzero asymmetry with double ratios are observed UL/C about half as large UL/L double ratios Data can be used for more sophisticated analysis Paper with 29 fb-1 U/L double ratios published (PRL96:232002,2006) Analysis almost finalized, smalller additions planned (kt dependence of Collins effect, parameterizations) Interference fragmentation function analysis started Many more QCD/Spin related studies possible (unpol FFs, timelike DVCS, L Polarimetry) Spin2006, October 6th Measurement of the Collins fragmentation function at BELLE

17 Measurement of the Collins fragmentation function at BELLE
Backup Slides Spin2006, October 6th Measurement of the Collins fragmentation function at BELLE

18 Why correction factors of 1.2 and 0.55?
Charged pion pairs are the sum of U and L Errors are correlated when building double ratios UC or LC Division of histograms takes correlation not into account Proper error calculation confirms correction factors found in correlation studies and c2 distributions Spin2006, October 6th Measurement of the Collins fragmentation function at BELLE

19 Collins asymmetries IIa: sin2 q/(1+cos2 q) binning (UC)
Nozeron quark polarization ~ sin2 q Unpolarized de-nominator ~ 1+cos2 q Clear linear behavior seen when using either thrustz or 2nd hadron as polar angle Better agreement for thrust axis (~approximate quark axis) Similar behavior, smaller magnitude as UL asymmetries PRELIMINARY thrustz q2 Spin2006, October 6th Measurement of the Collins fragmentation function at BELLE

20 Collins asymmetries III: QT binning (UL)
PRELIMINARY Reduced asymmetries in low thrust sample At low thrust significant B contribution (for t<0.8 ~20 % B for t>0.8 < 1 % B) A12 thrust axis dependent High QT (>3.5 GeV) asymmetries from beam related BG UC plots similar Thrust>0.8 Thrust<0.8 (not corrected for heavy quark contributions) Spin2006, October 6th Measurement of the Collins fragmentation function at BELLE

21 Collins asymmetries IIIa: QT binning (UC)
PRELIMINARY Reduced asymmetries in low thrust sample At low thrust significant heavy quark contribution High QT (>3.5 GeV) asymmetries from beam related BG similar behavior, but smaller magnitude as UL asymmetries Thrust>0.8 Thrust<0.8 (not corrected for heavy quark contributions) Spin2006, October 6th Measurement of the Collins fragmentation function at BELLE

22 Measurement of the Collins fragmentation function at BELLE
Final charm corrected results for e+ e- p p X (29fb-1 of continuum data) Significant non-zero asymmetries Rising behavior vs. z UL/C asymmetries about 40-50% of UL/L asymmetries First direct measurements of the Collins function UL/L data published Final results Preliminary results Spin2006, October 6th Measurement of the Collins fragmentation function at BELLE

23 Final charm corrected results for e+ e- p p X (547 fb-1)
Significance largely increased Behavior unchanged Reduced systematics Precise measurements of the Collins function Spin2006, October 6th Measurement of the Collins fragmentation function at BELLE

24 B, charm and uds contributions in the data
thrust>0.8 thrust<0.8 uds quarks charm quarks Charged B-mesons Netral B-mesons Open symbols: charm enhanced data sample used for charm correction Full symbols: main data sample Spin2006, October 6th Measurement of the Collins fragmentation function at BELLE

25 Collins effect in quark fragmentation
J.C. Collins, Nucl. Phys. B396, 161(1993) q Collins Effect: Fragmentation with of a quark q with spin sq into a spinless hadron h carries an azimuthal dependence: Spin2006, October 6th Measurement of the Collins fragmentation function at BELLE

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