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Semileptonic B-decays (b to u transition)

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1 Semileptonic B-decays (b to u transition)
Outline Inclusive b to u decays Exclusive b to u decays Summary (nothing new since ICHEP06) Eunil Won Korea University Heavy Quarks and Leptons 16.10 ~ Munich, Germany HQL06 Munich, Germany E. Won, Korea University

2 HQL06 Munich, Germany E. Won, Korea University
Status of Measurements of provide independent crosscheck of the unitary trangle (UT) With , can constrain UT from tree level processes alone is established firmly by now from inclusive measurements :precision about 7% accessing fraction of phase space  shape function is usually required from exclusive decays :precision worse than 10% form factor has to be calculated  model dependence is introduced HQL06 Munich, Germany E. Won, Korea University

3 HQL06 Munich, Germany E. Won, Korea University
from semileptonic B-decays Semileptonic inclusive rates depend only on CKM matrix element and quark mass u hadron level easy to calculate in OPE (<5% error) BaBar PRD (2006) But the problem is: OPE does not work on limited phase space HQL06 Munich, Germany E. Won, Korea University

4 HQL06 Munich, Germany E. Won, Korea University
: inclusive determination Limited phase space to reduce the b to c transition background OPE fails Non perturbative Shape Function to extrapolate to the full phase space Shape function: lightcone momentum distribution function of the b quark inside the meson Detailed shape not constrained theoretically, in particular the low tail Shape function need to be determined from experimental data Theoretical frameworks used by HFAG BLNP : B. O. Lange, M. Neubert and G. Paz, PRD (2005) DGE : J. R. Anderson and E. Gardi, JHEP 0601:097 (2006) BLL : C. W. Bauer, Z. Ligeti and M. E. Luke, PRD (2001) Also (*) LLR : A. K. Leibovich, I. Low and I. Z. Rothstein, PLB (2000)  for BaBar’s new analysis (less dependence on SF) HQL06 Munich, Germany E. Won, Korea University

5 HQL06 Munich, Germany E. Won, Korea University
Inclusive  Exploits different kinematics : lepton energy : lepton-neutrino mass squared : mass of the hadronic system Signal events have smaller and  Larger and HQL06 Munich, Germany E. Won, Korea University

6 HQL06 Munich, Germany E. Won, Korea University
Lepton Endpoint CLEO PRL (2002) Belle PLB (2005) BaBar PRD (2006) First pioneered by CLEO Subtraction of backgrounds crucial! On resonance data data > CLEO 9/fb 2.30 ± 0.15 ± 0.35 2.1 GeV Belle 27/fb 8.47 ± 0.37 ± 1.53 1.9 BaBar 80/fb 5.72 ± 0.41 ± 0.65 2.0 BaBar Off resonance data (non BB bkg in) After non-BB bkg subtraction Simulated BB background BaBar Partial branching fraction After all bkg subtraction Simulated Simulated HQL06 Munich, Germany E. Won, Korea University

7 HQL06 Munich, Germany E. Won, Korea University
Measurements of Belle PRL (2005) BaBar hep-ex/ Reconstruct all decay products to measure reco-side Fully reconstruct B meson - flavor and momentum known - maximum purity but low efficiency 2) D(*) tag in reco-side - lower purity but efficiency improved signal-side data Phase space Belle 253/fb mX<1.7 12.4±1.1±1.0 mX<1.7,q2>8 8.4±0.8 ±1.0 P+<0.66 11.0±1.0 ±1.6 BaBar 211/fb 8.7±0.9 ±0.9 (preliminary) Belle Belle First measurement of P+ (Belle) Errors are larger than endpoint results P+ (GeV) mX(GeV) HQL06 Munich, Germany E. Won, Korea University

8 HQL06 Munich, Germany E. Won, Korea University
Extracting from partial branching fraction (“Morii diagram”) Inclusive SSFs Shape Function HQE Fit Inclusive HFAG main results: HQ parameters from and hep-ph/ duality WA HQL06 Munich, Germany E. Won, Korea University

9 HQL06 Munich, Germany E. Won, Korea University
Fitting the Shape Function Belle PRL (2004) BaBar PRD (2005) quark level hadron level Belle B Meson s-quark b-quark Inclusive measurement Easy to fit SF E*g (CM frame) Need to parameterize SF (shape is not known a priori) BaBar Sub-leading shape function is considered (BLNP) HQ parameters can be extracted from the photon spectrum in or lepton spectrum in Sum of exclusive decays Lab frame (K* peak) Eg HQL06 Munich, Germany E. Won, Korea University

10 Inclusive : BLNP framework
The total error in percentage: statistical 2.2% Expt. systematic 2.8% model 1.9% 1.6% HQ parameters 4.2% Subleading SF + Perturbative 3.8% Weak Annihilation Theoretical uncertainty is larger (not by a lot) HQL06 Munich, Germany E. Won, Korea University

11 HQL06 Munich, Germany E. Won, Korea University
Inclusive : DGE framework Dressed Gluon Exponentiation (DGE): on-shell b-quark calculation converted into hadronic variables used as approximation to the meson decay spectrum statistical 1.8% Expt. systematic 2.5% model 2.3% 1.2% 1.0% Total SL width 3.0% DGE theory 2.9% WA missing here HQL06 Munich, Germany E. Won, Korea University

12 HQL06 Munich, Germany E. Won, Korea University
+ weighted in BaBar PRL (2006) Instead of assume ad-hoc model for SF and get model parameters from bc and Bsg Directly use measured photon energy spectrum in b sg (LLR approach) residual SF dependence via signal MC BaBar (82/fb) : partial decay rate of : interferences btw EM penguin O7 w/ O2 and O8 : weights from in Choose :  Total error is minimal Theory uncertainties BaBar Experimental uncertainties HQL06 Munich, Germany E. Won, Korea University

13 HQL06 Munich, Germany E. Won, Korea University
with large acceptance BaBar PRL (2006) OPE allows to extract with ~ 5% error measure entire spectrum up to 2.5 GeV This gives acceptance ~ 97% BaBar (82/fb) No shape function in extraction of Residual SF dependence via signal MC systematic: 5.0% Need to subtract bc background systematic: 3.8% increased statistical uncertainty Improvement in theory uncertainty HQL06 Munich, Germany E. Won, Korea University

14 HQL06 Munich, Germany E. Won, Korea University
Exclusive decays to measure exclusive final states good suppression of bc decays, high signal-to-background small branching fraction O(10-4)  need high statistics require unknown form factor to extract (complication due to QCD) u need to measure q2 i.e. either 4-momentum of v or B Channel is the most promising for - one dominant form factor - q2 shape and normalization needed HQL06 Munich, Germany E. Won, Korea University

15 HQL06 Munich, Germany E. Won, Korea University
Determining the Form Factors Earlier predictions made with quark models e.g. ISGW2 Lattice QCD makes predictions at high q2 (q2 > ~ 16 GeV2) unquenched calculations have become available recently e.g. HPQCD PRD 73, (2006) FNAL NP Proc. Suppl. 140, 461 (2005) Light Cone Sum Rules (LCSR) makes predictions at low q2 (q2 < ~ 14 GeV2) e.g. Ball & Zwicky PRD (2005), PRD 71, (2005) Parameterization has been used to extend Lattice QCD or LCSR to full q2 range The normalization of FF becomes main issue when extracting HQL06 Munich, Germany E. Won, Korea University

16 HQL06 Munich, Germany E. Won, Korea University
Range of Applicability of Method Luminosity fb-1 Untagged tag Full reconstruction tag Not an absolute but illustrative statement Full reconstruction tag will become method of choice soon Note: Belle fb-1 BaBar fb-1 (now reached 1/ab for combined data) HQL06 Munich, Germany E. Won, Korea University

17 HQL06 Munich, Germany E. Won, Korea University
CLEO PRD (2003) CLEO untagged FF models enter extraction of BF through signal efficiency from MC bu crossfeed and bc CLEO result (p and r mode combined) LCSR+LQCD stat syst theory FF shape HQL06 Munich, Germany E. Won, Korea University

18 HQL06 Munich, Germany E. Won, Korea University
BaBar hep-ex/ BaBar untagged preliminary Updated from the last pub (PRD ) : now 227 BB pairs used use much looser n reconstruction to improve signal efficiency no harsh cut on |m2miss/Emiss| calculate q2 from B momentum in “average” B-frame + unfolding  q2 resolution still good (~400 MeV) more parameters for background  reduced systematics 5 times the signal yield: 25/fb-1 12 bins in q2 HQL06 Munich, Germany E. Won, Korea University

19 HQL06 Munich, Germany E. Won, Korea University
BaBar untagged BaBar hep-ex/ preliminary ISGW2 is incompatible with the data LQCD & LCSR consistent with BaBar data Covariance matrices are included in preprint  theorists can use for analyses use BK parameterization for f+(q2,a) Stat+syst. errors QCD calculations 41.0 60.2 12.5 10.2 FNAL HPQCD 37.2 13.0 Ball-Zwicky 0.07 34.1 ISGW2 3.6±0.2± >16 FNAL 4.1±0.2± HPQCD 3.6±0.1± (uncertainty in FFs) <16 Ball-Zwicky q2  LCSR Lattice QCD HQL06 Munich, Germany E. Won, Korea University

20 HQL06 Munich, Germany E. Won, Korea University
Belle hep-ex/060424 Submitted to PLB Belle with tag Ratios of decay rates are measured and found to be consistent with isospin relations from q2>16 GeV2 region, p-, p0 combined q2(GeV2) FNAL >16 3.60±0.41± (LQCD) HPQCD 4.03±0.46± (LQCD) This gives ~13% experimental uncertainty on HQL06 Munich, Germany E. Won, Korea University

21 HQL06 Munich, Germany E. Won, Korea University
BaBar with had. + SL tag combined BaBar hep-ex/ Using 215/fb of data Need to combine 4 measurements 2 x B-flavors: charged and neutral B 2 x tagging methods hadronic and semileptonic  minimize total error in each bin of q2 BaBar preliminary BaBar preliminary q2(GeV2) Ball-Zwicky <16 3.2±0.2± (uncertainty in FFs) HPQCD >16 4.5±0.5± FNAL 4.0±0.5± APE 4.1±0.5± HQL06 Munich, Germany E. Won, Korea University

22 HQL06 Munich, Germany E. Won, Korea University
Belle with full reco tag Belle-CONF-0666 Using 497/fb of data Reconstruct the hadronic decay of B first Identify a lepton and search for light mesons Extract yield from the missing mass squared distributions  high purity signal obtained Belle preliminary MM2 Missing Mass2 MM2 MM2 Belle preliminary MM2 HQL06 Munich, Germany E. Won, Korea University

23 HQL06 Munich, Germany E. Won, Korea University
Summary of Exclusive HFAG ICHEP 2006 Average Note: updated Belle SL tag result now included Untagged analyses currently the most precise HQL06 Munich, Germany E. Won, Korea University

24 HQL06 Munich, Germany E. Won, Korea University
Summary of from Exclusive Decays HFAG ICHEP 2006 (+ my bars for clarity) LCSR Lattice QCD Using FF calculated in region of applicability Using FF extrapolated to full q2 range HQL06 Munich, Germany E. Won, Korea University

25 HQL06 Munich, Germany E. Won, Korea University
Summary Inclusive measurements |Vub| ~ 7 % precision shape function is one of main issues Error is more or less equally shared by exp. and theory BaBar’s new result (LLR) looks promising - has residual SF dependence Exclusive measurements |Vub| > 10 % Form factor calculation is the main issue Theoretical uncertainty is dominant Question: |Vub| <5 % error achievable? HQL06 Munich, Germany E. Won, Korea University

26 HQL06 Munich, Germany E. Won, Korea University
CLEO PRD (2003) CLEO untagged Search and fit for yields across a number of exclusive modes CLEO Isospin constraints imposed in fits on 9.7 x 106 BB pairs Extract partial branching fraction in 3 q2 bins for and result HQL06 Munich, Germany E. Won, Korea University

27 HQL06 Munich, Germany E. Won, Korea University
Belle hep-ex/060424 Submitted to PLB Belle with tag Using 253/fb (275 million BB events) Reconstruct tag side first Identify leptons Look for p or r in the remaining particles Select events using kinematical variables p-ln r-ln Xuln BB bkg Extract the signal in (x2B,mX) plane with 4 signal and 3 bkg components HQL06 Munich, Germany E. Won, Korea University

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: inclusive vs exclusive HFAG ICHEP 2006 inclusive exclusive HQL06 Munich, Germany E. Won, Korea University

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: direct vs. indirect Indirect measurements constrain |Vub|  indicated as bands in the plot inclusive exclusive There are two direct measurements +: exclusive *:inclusive The present value of sin2f1 is more compatible with exclusive determination of |Vub| HQL06 Munich, Germany E. Won, Korea University

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