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Journal of Vision. 2016;16(10):9. doi: / Figure Legend:

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1 From: The global structure of the visual light field and its relation to the physical light field
Journal of Vision. 2016;16(10):9. doi: / Figure Legend: Subjective light source(s) position(s), where red dots represent single sources, and color dots represent pairs of sources. The actual positions of the light sources are shown using dotted lines. For (A) LAMP, all observers pointed at the lamp; for (B) DIFFUSE, the points were more spread out; and for (C) SPOTLIGHTS, most observers drew single sources, red dots and a transparent line for a single elongated source. The source next to the table lamp “is standing in front of the scene.” Four observers drew a pair of sources. Date of download: 12/30/2017 The Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology Copyright © All rights reserved.

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