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Energy: Potential vs. Kinetic

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Presentation on theme: "Energy: Potential vs. Kinetic"— Presentation transcript:

1 Energy: Potential vs. Kinetic
EQ: How can you differentiate between potential and kinetic energy?

2 Learning Scale for Energy … I can
4 – All of 3, 2, & 1 + Cite evidence to support the Law of Conservation of Energy. 3 – All of 2 & 1 + Investigate and describe the transformation of energy that occurs in given examples. 2 – All of 1 + Differentiate between kinetic and potential energy. 1 - Identify examples of kinetic and potential energy.

3 Law of Conservation of Energy Video atch?v=LrRdK mjhOgw How does energy relate to the real world?

4 Law of Conservation of Energy
Energy can be transformed from one form into another or transferred from one region to another, but energy cannot be created or destroyed.

5 Think Pair Share How does this picture illustrate the law of conservation of energy?

6 What is energy? Energy is the ability to cause change. Mechanical energy is the energy an object has due to its motion or position.

7 Two Parts of Mechanical Energy
Potential Energy – energy that is stored in an object but is not being used. Kinetic Energy – energy of motion.

8 An object that is not moving has potential energy.

9 Kinetic energy is the energy of motion.

10 Think Pair Share How can you differentiate between potential and kinetic energy?

11 Forms of Potential Energy
Gravitational Potential Energy – depends on the object’s weight and height.

12 Elastic Potential Energy – stored in objects that are compressed or stretched.

13 Chemical Potential Energy – stored in the chemical bonds between atoms.

14 What effects the Kinetic Energy?
Speed Faster speed = More Kinetic Energy Mass Greater mass = More Kinetic Energy

15 Joe throws the football across the field.
Question 1 Joe throws the football across the field. Potential Kinetic

16 Joe throws the football across the field.
Question 1 Joe throws the football across the field. Potential Kinetic

17 Sara holds the soccer ball in her hand.
Question 2 Sara holds the soccer ball in her hand. Potential Kinetic

18 The bee flies through the air.
Question 4 The bee flies through the air. Potential Kinetic

19 The red flower blows in the wind.
Question 3 The red flower blows in the wind. Potential Kinetic

20 What is energy transformation?
The change in energy from one form to another.

21 For example, potential energy can change into kinetic energy

22 Think Pair Share Give a real world example of when potential energy changes to kinetic energy or vice versa.

23 Learning Scale for Energy … I can
4 – All of 3, 2, & 1 + Cite evidence to support the Law of Conservation of Energy. 3 – All of 2 & 1 + Investigate and describe the transformation of energy that occurs in given examples. 2 – All of 1 + Differentiate between kinetic and potential energy. 1 - Identify examples of kinetic and potential energy.

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