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Overview Implement a Haptic Base Station Software

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2 Overview Implement a Haptic Base Station Software
Have its own microcontroller Ability to integrate with multiple devices Have a large LCD for display Knobs to set gains Software Add more virtual environments Implement Teleportation Create virtual environments for haptic knob

3 Motivation Create a haptic base station that is modular
Master slave (impedance or admittance) Haptic paddle Haptic knob Classroom teaching tool Lab experiment equipment Test bench for new haptic devices

4 Teleoperator Mode Two base stations can be connected together to be used for teleoperation. Haptic paddle Haptic paddle Haptic knob Haptic knob Admittance Device Admittance Device Master Slave

5 Master – Slave System Calculations and communication should be fast enough to implement 1 kHz Haptic loop. Obtaining reliable force readings from the devices. How linear motion translates to rotary motion? Effects of Time Delay.

6 Haptic Paddle Get the current code working with the new haptic paddle
Add force sensor to handle Organize the code to allow for expansion/future work Add more virtual environments

7 1-DOF Haptic Knob Easy to implement/ low costs
Almost impossible to damage the device or the user Lots of virtual environments possible Simple yet powerful tools that leverage physical intuition Haptic Clutch Alphabet Browser

8 LCD Display Allow user to easily navigate through different virtual environments Display gains, forces, position ect… of haptic device Allow user to set gains Display messages

9 Deliverables Base Station Haptic paddle virtual environment
Microcontroller to interface with haptic device Microcontroller to interface with LCD Linear amp and PWM Haptic paddle virtual environment Rewrite existing code to work with all devices and add additional modes Master Slave system Impedance - Admittance Admittance - Impedance Impedance - Impedance Haptic knob Build stand Implement virtual environments

10 Thank You

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