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The Romans Chapter 6.

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1 The Romans Chapter 6

2 Etruscans Romulus and Remus Northern Italy settlers Greeks


4 Rome Tiber River 509 B.C. Romans drove out their Etruscan ruler
Res publica Republic – people choose officals

5 Structure of the republic
Worksheet Patricians Consuls Plebeians Dictator Tribunes

6 Veto Block laws Intended to protect the plebeians

7 Roman society Women could hold land, attend public events, and run businesses Upper and lower class children learned how to read and write. History, politics, rhetoric Roman mythology – Jupiter and Juno Polytheistic

8 Expanding the empire Roman army was very powerful
Legion – about 5,000 men Men were eventually paid and given weapons Rewards and punishment

9 Maintaining the empire
How might Rome hold such a large empire? Think about how Alexander the Great did this.

10 Maintaining the empire
Conquered people had to acknowledge Roman leadership, pay taxes and supply soldiers. Rome let them keep their own customs, money, and government Some would even gain partial or full citizenship

11 expansion Romans expanded west into present-day France and Spain
Carthage, in northern Africa, did not like the expansion – map on page 159

12 The Punic Wars First Punic War – Rome wins, gains Sicily, Corsica, Sardinia Second Punic War – Hannibal invades, Rome invades, wins Third Punic War – Rome destroys Carthage News Paper Assignment

13 Imperialism Write the definition Use it in a sentence
Write how Rome imperialized Write how the US has imperialized Mare Nostrum “Our Sea”

14 Conquering is hard Latifundia – huge farming estates Slaves Prices
Unemployment Greed

15 Civil wars Legions of the Roman army were loyal to their commanders
Julius Caesar and Pompey emerge

16 Julius Caesar Gaul (Belgium and France) Read on 161
Makes himself the dictator “Veni, vidi, vici” Public works, land to the poor, Roman calendar

17 The Ides of March March 15, 44 B.C.
Caesars enemies wanted to save the republic, thought he was going to make himself king Stabbed to death More civil wars Video

18 Search for murderers Mark Antony – Caesar’s chief general
Octavian – Caesar’s grandnephew They started battling each other Octavian defeated Mark Antony and his ally, Queen Cleopatra

19 Augustus The senate name Octavian Augustus, which means Exalted One – first citizen 31 B.C. to 14 A.D. Augustus ruled The 500 year-old republic came to an end and the Roman empire began

20 Augustus’ Roman Empire
High-level jobs were open to everybody, postal service, new coins, built roads, temples, and helped unemployed Ordered a census, to tax people more fairly Pax Romana – Roman Peace lasted for 200 years Successors

21 Bad successors Caligula Nero

22 Good successors Hadrian – codified Roman law
Built “Hadrian’s Wall” in England Marcus Aurelius last leader under Pax Romana - Crash Course The distraction of entertainment Gladiator video Interview a Roman

23 Gladiators and circus maximus

24 Greco-Roman Virgil – wrote the poem Aeneid of Rome’s epic past saying it was just as good as Greek history Satire – make fun of Roman society Livy – tells history of Rome What are these people/writings like?

25 Greco-Roman Roman sculptures
Mosaic – a picture made for chips of colored stone or glass

26 Greco-roman Greek architecture expanded throughout the empire
Arches – made out of concrete Pantheon – temple honoring Roman gods

27 What year did Pompeii get destroyed. What is the volcano’s name
What year did Pompeii get destroyed? What is the volcano’s name? How do we know some much about roman culture from the eruption?

28 Engineering Application of science and mathematics to develop useful structures and machines Road WS Built everlasting bridges, roads, and harbors

29 Aqueducts Bridge-like stone structures that carried water from the hills into Roman cities - video Ptolemy – astronomer-mathematician who proposed that the Earth was the center of the universe Accepted for nearly 1,500 years and got a lot of people killed

30 Rise of Christianity Polytheistic and pagan religions
Jews are now included in the empire – reluctant Diaspora – scattering of a population - Jews Messiah – anointed king sent by God

31 12 disciples Apostles – “a person sent forth” – 12 disciples to follow and spread the message Romans authorities did not like this because they thought he was undermining Roman rule (why would they need Rome) Crucifixion

32 Martyrs People who suffer of die for their beliefs
“The blood of the martyrs is the seed of the Christian Church”

33 Constantine Edict of Milan – granted freedom of worship to all citizens of the Roman empire – 313 A.D. Why did he do this? Theodosius made Christianity the official religion of the Roman empire and repressed other faiths Two Worksheets

34 The long decline Marcus Aurelius died in 180 A.D. ending Pax Romana – some say that this is the start of the decline of the empire In a 50 year period, at least 26 emperors reigned Troops loyal to their commander

35 decline Over-cultivation
DIOLETIAN – to restore order, he divided the empire into two parts in 284 Inflation – rise of prices Page

36 Constantine’s new capital
Moved the capital from Rome to Byzantium and renamed it Constantinople Now the east was the center of power

37 Decline Economic and political reforms work temporarily
Invaders prove to hurt the empire Visigoths/Ostrogoths/Huns In 410, Rome was sacked/plundered by the Visigoths Vandals

38 Decline 476, Germanic leader Odoacer booted out the last emperor of “Rome” The western Roman empire has “fallen”

39 Decline Mercenaries – foreign soldiers paid to serve and fight
Battles over armies to “elect” their commanders to emperor Diseases swept the empire 476 is the “fall” of Rome, but the eastern empire stood for over 1000 years in the Byzantine empire Answer questions on176 and 183

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