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Anatomy of the Respiratory System

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1 Anatomy of the Respiratory System
Exercise 39 Anatomy of the Respiratory System

2 Upper respiratory system structures

3 Upper respiratory system structures
Nose External nares (nostrils) Nasal cavity Nasal septum Nasal conchae Superior, middle, inferior Air turbulence Internal nares (entrance to the nasopharynx

4 Upper respiratory system structures

5 Upper respiratory system structures
Meatus Superior Middle Inferior Function of the nose Warm the air Moister the air Filter the air

6 Upper respiratory system structures
Olfactory receptors Paranasal sinuses Maxillary Frontal Ethmoidal Sphenoidal Mastoidal

7 Upper respiratory system structures
Function of the paranasal sinuses Resonance of the air Warm the air Moister the air Palate Separates the nasal cavity from the oral cavity Soft, hard Cleft palate

8 Upper respiratory system structures
Oral cavity Pharynx Nasopharynx Above the soft palate Internal nares 1 Pharyngeal tonsil Pharyngotympanic tubes Otites media

9 Upper respiratory system structures
Oropharynx From the soft palate to the epiglotis Carries food and air 2 Palatine tonsils 2 Lingual tonsils Laryngopharynx Posterior and inferior to the epiglotis

10 Upper respiratory system structures
Larynx 1 thyroid cartilage Laryngeal prominence 1 cricoid cartilage 2 cuneiform cartilages 2 corniculate cartilages 2 arytenoid cartilages

11 Upper respiratory system structures
1 epiglottis cartilage (elastic cartilage) Vestibular folds Vocal ligaments or vocal cords Glottis

12 Upper respiratory system structures

13 Lower respiratory system structures
Trachea From the larynx to the sternal angle Tracheal cartilages C-shaped incomplete

14 Lower respiratory system structures
Microscopic anatomy Lumen Respiratory epithelium (mucous membrane) Pseudostratified columnar Cilia Goblet cells

15 Lower respiratory system structures
Submucosa Seromucous glands Smooth muscle Cartilage Adventitia

16 Lower respiratory system structures
Bronchus Primary Right is wider, shorter, more vertical Left Carina Secondary Lung hilus

17 Lower respiratory system structures

18 Lower respiratory system structures
Tertiary…. Bronchioles (no cartilage) Terminal Respiratory Microscopic anatomy of bronchi Lumen Respiratory epithelium Smooth muscle Hyaline cartilage

19 Respiratory Zone

20 Lower respiratory system structures
Alveolar sac Alveolar duct Alveoli Simple squamous epithelium Air-blood barrier (respiratory membrane) Capillary wall Alveoli wall

21 Lower respiratory system structures
Respiratory zone structures Respiratory bronchioles Alveolar ducts Alveolar sacs Conducting zone structures All the other respiratory structures Anatomical dead space

22 Lower respiratory system structures
Lungs Apex Base Root Connection with mediastinum Hilus Costal surface Cardiac notch (left lung)

23 Lower respiratory system structures
Lobes 3 on the right 2 on the left Fissures Right lung Horizontal and oblique Left lung Oblique

24 Lower respiratory system structures
Pleura Visceral Parietal Pleural cavity Pleural fluid

25 Microscopic Structures
Trachea Pseudostratified ciliated epithelium Goblet cells Lamina propria Hyaline cartilage

26 Microscopic Structures
Bronchus Bronchioles Lungs Alveolar sacs Alveolus

27 Cat Structures to be identified
Trachea Thyroid cartilage Primary bronchi Right Left Secondary bronchi Lungs

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