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BE/ABP Group Meeting 2017 G. Arduini
Injectors and LHC: 2016 and Status Projects and Studies: Status
Outline Injectors and LHC: 2016 and Status Projects and Studies: Status ABP 2017 and beyond
LHC and Injectors 2016 Mastering of the Beam Dynamics in the LHC and Injectors Excellent Machine Availability YOUR DEDICATION
All injectors now restarted:
Injectors Status All injectors now restarted: Linac2 running with spare source after some teething problems: gained more understanding on the operation of the source (Another) large vacuum leak solved with a secondary vacuum looking forward to Linac4 New TIDVG (SPS high energy beam dump) behaving well no intensity limitations for the SPS beams (including the LHC ones) Xenon beam delivered to PS REX-ISOLDE will start delivering radioactive beam during the first week of July. intense and heavy schedule until the end of the year, with several beams to set-up
Machine restarted with ATS optics at b* = 40 cm:
LHC Status Machine restarted with ATS optics at b* = 40 cm: Pushed ramp and squeeze down to b* = 1 m Improved normalized dispersion at Roman Pots for CT-PPS Commissioning successful (down to 30 cm) Optics correction, collimation impeccable (as usual) Scrubbing ongoing with long trains (Sector 12 to be re-conditioned keep a particular attention to it to follow conditioning after warm-up) Intensity ramp-up (beyond 600 bunches) to continue after the scrubbing
Projects LIU: LINAC4 Commissioning up to 160 MeV completed Moved to the operational phase Half-Sector Test Completed and Reliability run to start H- source is operating very reliably but still work to be done to reach the nominal current plan being established SPS a-C coating of almost a sextant LIU/HL-LHC baseline performance/requirements are now matching both for protons and ions LIU-Ions beam parameters demonstrated out of the PS Work on reproducibility and losses in the SPS Progress in the understanding of the LHC beam losses at the beginning of the ramp of the SPS
Projects Re-baselining following cost increase of the civil engineering reduction of the number of crab cavities and no upgrade of the Q4 magnet (MQY) Slight reduction of the integrated performance Working on increasing performance (collimation, crossing angle based on LHC experience) Finalization of the specifications and validation of the choices for the baseline and alternative scenarios ATS optics in the LHC Circuits and powering Preparation of the SPS test for the crab cavities Alignment working group created and starting BBLR compensation Successful Cost and Schedule (October 2016) and Performance (January 2017) Reviews HL-LHC formally approved by Council
Projects Issues with: the insulation transformer of the H- source used to commission the beam at low energy Electron cooler (delays on the magnetic system provided by industry) In spite of that obtained circulating beam and captured it with reasonable lifetime Working on reproducibility, acceleration, injection of pbar
Studies The CTF3 experimental programme is completed and has validated the main CLIC choices. Critical progress in BDS tuning with realistic imperfections and encouraging results in several other areas (RTML, Drive Beam Complex, Main injectors…) Operation of the CALIFES linac as a facility (CLEAR) approved for 2 years (but with cap on manpower: 0.5 FTE/year from ABP) Test of advanced beam instrumentation Irradiation Facility (e.g. electronic components for ESA) Test of new concepts (e.g. plasma lens) Impedance measurements (e.g. wire scanners for the injectors)
Studies FCC: Medical applications: Physics Beyond Colliders:
Conceptual designs for FCC-hh, FCC-ee, FCC-eh are progressing FCC week in Berlin HE-LHC gaining momentum (and priority!) but a lot of work remaining to be done! need to redirect some effort within FCC complement Medical applications: Feasibility Study for BioLEIR published Contribution to the definition of a White Paper for Medical Applications 750 MHz RFQ commissioned with beam Physics Beyond Colliders: Contribution to the working groups Need new ideas/solutions
Need to guarantee solid framework and thorough tests
Computing in ABP Understanding of the performance of the accelerators and predictions for future projects relies on realistic simulations Large number of codes developed within ABP but more and more used at CERN and in other laboratories Need to guarantee solid framework and thorough tests ABP Core activity spread across several sections ABP Computing working group: to favour synergies and harmonize the approaches to coordinate requirements and needs in terms of IT support (e.g. High Performance Computing)
Scientific programme (based on ESPP) : 3 pillars
Full exploitation of the LHC: successful operation of the nominal LHC until end 2023 (Run 2, LS2, Run 3) construction and installation of the LHC upgrade: LIU and HL-LHC Scientific diversity programme serving a broad community: ongoing experiments and facilities at Booster, PS, SPS and their upgrades (ELENA, HIE-ISOLDE) participation in accelerator-based neutrino projects outside Europe (presently mainly LBNF in the US) through CERN Neutrino Platform Preparation of CERN’s future: vibrant accelerator R&D programme exploiting CERN’s strengths and uniqueness (including superconducting high-field magnets, AWAKE, etc.) design studies for future accelerators: CLIC, FCC (includes HE-LHC) future opportunities of diversity programme: “Physics Beyond Colliders” Study Group From DG presentation to SPC on 13/3/2017 Important milestone: update of the European Strategy for Particle Physics, to be concluded in May 2020
ABP Staff Departures Arrivals
E. Benedetto (31/01/2017) End of LD contract T. Pieloni (30/09/2016) End of LD Contract EPFL A. Rossi (31/08/2016) BE/BI Arrivals A. Huschauer (1/5/ HSS) E. Mahner (1/4/2017 – HSL) from GSI T. Persson (1/5/ HSS) A. Valenza (1/6/2017 – ABP) BE-ABP-HSI (Selection Board on 7/6/2017) BE-ABP-LAT (Selection Board on 4/7/2017) G. Roy President of the Staff Association from 1/9/2016
BE-ABP Group Leader: ARDUINI Gianluigi Deputy: SCRIVENS Richard Budget and Planning: LOMBARDI Alessandra Team assistant: MASSONNET Sonia VALENZA Alessia Staff Association (President): ROY Ghislain HSC Hadron Synchrotrons Coherent effects METRAL Elias HSI Hadron Synchrotrons Incoherent effects PAPAPHILIPPOU Yannis HSL Hadron Sources and Linacs LOMBARDI Alessandra HSS Hadron Synchrotrons Single particle effects GIOVANNOZZI Massimo LAT Lepton Accelerators and Test Facilities CORSINI Roberto STAFF BERRIG Olav Ejner BIANCACCI Nicolo BUFFAT Xavier IADAROLA Giovanni LI Kevin Shing Bruce RUMOLO Giovanni SALVANT Benoit BARTOSIK Hannes EFTHYMIOPOULOS Ilias FARTOUKH Stephane SCHMIDT Frank STERBINI Guido BELLODI Giulia BERTOLO Sebastien DI LORENZO Francesco KUCHLER Detlef LALLEMENT Jean-Baptiste LETTRY Jacques MAHNER Edgar MASTROSTEFANO Christian O'NEIL Michael SCHUH-ERHARD Silvia WENANDER Fredrik John Carl BRUCE Roderik BURKHARDT Helmut DE MARIA Riccardo DENIAU Laurent HUSCHAUER Alexander JOWETT John MEREGHETTI Alessio PERSSON Tobias H.B. REDAELLI Stefano TOMAS GARCIA Rogelio ZIMMERMANN Frank CARLI Christian HERR Werner HOLZER Bernhard LATINA Andrea SCHULTE Daniel SKOWRONSKI Piotr Krzysztof In addition: 18 TECH, 26 DOCT, 38 Fellows and many collaborators (COAS, PJAS, VISC, ...). A GREAT ASSET!
ABP staff Green paper posts:
80 additional Limited Duration (LD) staff to mitigate shortage of personnel in some key areas at CERN (18 in BE) No permanent increase Next: Coherent Effects theory to come in 2018
ABP staff ABP (and in general BE) continues to hire! Vital to continue and attract new members At present 13 LD out of 49 staff New contract policy helps in guaranteeing retention of some of the staff otherwise very difficult 1 IC awarded in 2016 (B. Salvant) Expect: 6 IC slot in 2017 and 9 IC/year in the period in the department tbc at the next BE retreat (26-27 June)
We can greatly contribute to forge the future of CERN
Challenges We can greatly contribute to forge the future of CERN Our expertise and original contribution is highly needed Given the limited number of staff but huge asset in the younger colleagues and collaborators. Collaboration Coordination (i.e. no duplication of effort) Flexibility Sharing of knowledge ARE MANDATORY within the group and in the interaction with projects
Questions We are a group built on intelligent and dynamic people.
We want your feedback. Now, via SLs, to Richard and myself
BBQ Many thanks to: Sonia, Section Leaders, Daniel, Dima, Edu, Foteini, Frank, Giovanni, Hannes, Jean-Baptiste, Lee, Michael, Nuria, Stefano, Xavier for the preparation of the meeting and of the BBQ.
BBQ starting at 12:00
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