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Linkage analysis & Homozygosity mapping

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Presentation on theme: "Linkage analysis & Homozygosity mapping"— Presentation transcript:

1 Linkage analysis & Homozygosity mapping
Practical Session Linkage analysis & Homozygosity mapping Wouter Steyaert 1

2 Practical session: content of the presentation
Introduction Superlink SNP Online (GUI) Merlin (command line) HomozygosityMapper

3 Interpretation of results
Introduction Linkage: mapping the location of disease-causing loci by identifying genetic markers that are co-inherited with a phenotype of interest Types of information Superlink Merlin Markers SNP file DAT file & MAP file Pedigree PED file PED file & MODEL file Algorithm + computer Interpretation of results

4 + Powerful + User-friendly (GUI) +/- External cloud
Superlink SNP Online + Powerful + User-friendly (GUI) +/- External cloud 4

5 Superlink SNP Online: SNP file
HumanCytoSNP-12 BeadChip on HiScan instrument (Illumina) genotypes/patient Cannot directly be used in Superlink/Merlin conversion

6 Superlink SNP Online: SNP file
Superlink SNP Online SNP file = 1 data file for whole pedigree Conversion via Perl/Python/…

7 Superlink SNP Online: PED file
Simplified PED-format (notepad) Column 1: id Column 2: id of the father Column 3: id of the mother Column 4: sex (1=Male, 2=Female) Column 5: status (0=Unknown, 1=unaffected, 2=affected)

8 Superlink SNP Online: wizard
Choose input format 8

9 Superlink SNP Online: wizard
Upload data 9

10 Superlink SNP Online: wizard
Set parameters e.g. homozygous for whole family If not fully penetrant power will drop! 10

11 Superlink SNP Online: HMM_MultiPoint
Powerful, but computationally expensive only possible for small pedigrees Max LOD = 2 because pedigree is small ( 6 typed individuals) 102 times more likely that the marker is linked with the disease causing mutation than it is not linked with the mutation 11

12 Superlink SNP Online: Exact multi-point analysis
Possible for all pedigrees Set parameters 12

13 Superlink SNP Online: Exact multi-point analysis
Fetch genes and discover (e.g. via BioMart) Max LOD = 2,8

14 Superlink SNP Online: Exact multi-point analysis
B A B A B A B A B A B A B A B A All affected individuals should have 1 haplotype in common. The causal haplotype? Yes, with a certain probability. BUT…

15 Linkage analysis: difficulties
Uncertainty about the clinical status of some individuals  exclude those individuals (but power will drop) Uncertain relationships (software can correct for this) Incomplete penetrance Phenocopies Statistically significant linkage (LOD > 3,2) ≠ usefulness of the analysis Prioritize regions Exclude regions (f.e. known disease causing genes) Often followed by exome analysis

16 + Available for Linux/Win/Mac + Powerful +/- Command line
Merlin + Available for Linux/Win/Mac + Powerful +/- Command line

17 Merlin: PED file = simple PED file (Superlink) + extra columns 1) Family ID 7) Genotype first marker 8) Genotype second marker (purple block is 1 individual) Conversion from RAW Illumina data via Perl/Python/…

18 Merlin: DAT file = list of markers used in the analysis = selection of all markers f.e. randomly select 1 SNP/ bp from to SNPs + filter, f.e. non informative SNPs (Superlink does this automatically)

19 Merlin: MAP file The same markers as in DAT files, but accompanied with Chromosome Genetic position (in centiMorgans) Rutgers Maps Approximation: 1 cM = 1 million base pairs = distance between chromosome positions for which the expected average number of intervening chromosomal crossovers in a single generation is 1%. genetic distance physical distance

20 Merlin: MODEL file Tab delimited file containing 4 columns: Affection status label Disease allele frequency Probability of being affected for individuals with 0, 1 and 2 copies of the disease allele Label for the analysis model Necessary for parametric analysis

21 Merlin: pedstats prompt> pedstats -d merlin.chr1.dat -p merlin.chr1.ped verify that input files are being interpreted

22 Merlin: merlin + pedwipe
identify problem genotypes prompt> merlin -d error.dat -p error.ped -m --error prompt> pedwipe -d error.dat -p error.ped prompt> merlin -d wiped.dat -p wiped.ped -m --npl

23 Merlin: merlin non-parametric prompt> merlin -d asp.dat -p asp.ped -m --pairs --npl --pdf

24 Merlin: merlin parametric prompt> merlin -d parametric.dat -p parametric.ped -m --model parametric.model --step 3 --pdf

25 Homozygosity mapping Homozygous streches Present in group 1 (cases) Absent in group 2 (controls) consanguinity Heterozygous deletion

26 Homozygositymapper: wizard
DBSNP 14 12 10 11 9 8 7 15 17 13 16 rs AB BB rs AA rs Slightly different format

27 Wizzard all affected are homozygous! to avoid false positive

28 Results

29 Homozygosity mapping SNPs SNPs cases controls Chr. 22 Chr. 5

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