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Commas in a Series Grade 6 | Commas in a Series.

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Presentation on theme: "Commas in a Series Grade 6 | Commas in a Series."— Presentation transcript:

1 Commas in a Series Grade 6 | Commas in a Series

2 What do you Notice? “His room smelled of cooked grease, Lysol, and age.” - Maya Angelou, I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings Grade 6 | Commas in a Series

3 Invitation to Imitate The kitchen smelled of pumpkin pie, Butterball Turkey, and togetherness. - Anonymous Classroom Teacher The campground smelled of pine trees, Hershey smores, and excitement. Grade 6 | Commas in a Series

4 Invitation to Imitate Your turn…
Use the frame below to write a sentence containing a series of three things. _______________________, smelled of _______________________. _______________, ___________________, and ________________. Grade 6 | Commas in a Series

5 Invitation to Revise Rewrite the sentences below adding commas to
separate the items listed. Her cleats shin pads and sweats were in all in her backpack. Then I heard a scrape a thud and a yelp. I ran down the hill jumped over the fence and sprinted for the road. Grade 6 | Commas in a Seroes

6 Invitation to Edit What’s wrong?
His room smelled of cooked grease, Lysol, and age. He room smelled of cooked grease, Lysol, and age. His room smelled of cooked grease Lysol and age. His room smell of cooked grease, Lysol, and age. His room smelled of cooked grease, Lysol, age. Grade 6 | Appositives

7 Write a short passage using commas in a series correctly.
Invitation to Write Write a short passage using commas in a series correctly. Grade 6 | Commas in a Series

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