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Jesus Christ Organized His Church

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1 Jesus Christ Organized His Church

2 17 Points of the True Church
Organized by Christ (Eph 4:11-14) Bear the name of Jesus Christ (Eph 5:23) Apostles and Prophets (Eph 2:19-20) Same organization as Christ's Church (Eph 4:11-14) Divine authority (Heb 4:4-10) No paid ministry (Acts 20:33-34; John 10:11-13) Baptize by immersion (Matt 3:13-16) The gift of the Holy Ghost by the laying on of hands (Acts 8:14-17) Practice divine healing (Mark 3:14-15) God and Jesus are separate and distinct individuals (John 17:11; 20:17) God and Jesus have bodies of flesh and bone (Luke 23:36-39; Acts 1:9-11; Heb 1:1-3) Officers must be called by God (Heb 5:4; Ex 28:1; 40:13-16) Claim revelation from God (Amos 3:7) A missionary church (Matt 28:19-20) A restored church (Acts 3:19-20) Practice baptism for the dead (1Cor 15:16&29) "By their fruits ye shall know them." (Matt 7:20)

3 Ephesians 2:19-21 Ephesians 4:11-15
Apostles Prophets Patriarchs (Evangelists) Bishops (Pastors) Teachers Think of how these leaders helped you grow spiritually

4 Organization of the Church
Jesus Christ Prophet Frist Presidency 12 Apostles C.E.S. General Auxiliaries Presidency of Seventy Presiding Bishop Seventy Temple President Area Seventy Mission President Stake President District President Branch President High Council Stake Auxiliaries Bishop Patriarch Elders Quorum Pres HP Group Leader Ward Council Aaronic Priesthood Elders Quorum HP Group Families

5 FATE OF THE APOSTLES 1. Peter was crucified head down in Rome, 66 A.D. 2. Andrew was burned to death. He preached until his death 74 A.D. 3. James, son of Zebedee was beheaded in Jerusalem by the sword (Acts 12:1-8) 4. John was banished to the isle of Patmos, 96 A.D. 5. Phillip was crucified in 52 A.D. 6. Bartholomew was beaten, crucified and then beheaded by command of a king 52 A. D. 7. Thomas was run through by a lance, East Indies 52 A.D. 8. Matthew was slain by the sword in the city of Ethopia at about 60 A.D. 9. James, son of Alphaeus, was thrown from the pinnacle, then beaten to death 60 A.D. 10. Thaddaeus was shot to death by arrows, 72 A.D. 11. Simon was crucified in Presia, 74 A.D. 12. Judas Iscariot committed suicide by hanging himself, 34 A.D. (Acts: 1:18)

6 The Great Apostasy “After the deaths of the Savior and His Apostles, men corrupted the principles of the gospel and made unauthorized changes in Church organization and priesthood ordinances. … “During the Great Apostasy, people were without divine direction from living prophets. Many churches were established, but they did not have priesthood power to lead people to the true knowledge of God the Father and Jesus Christ …This apostasy lasted until Heavenly Father and His Beloved Son appeared to Joseph Smith in 1820 and initiated the restoration of the fullness of the gospel” (True to the Faith: A Gospel Reference[2004], 13).

Christ born Began ministry Crucified 33 Apostles taught 42 Peter Ordains Bishop Linus in Rome Paul returns to Rome and finds apostacy (see Romans 1) and ordains a new leader (also named Linus; see 2 Tim 4:21) 70 Romans destroy Jerusalem 76 Linus formally established Roman Catholic church and is killed

8 “They scattered; they taught, testified, and established the Church
“They scattered; they taught, testified, and established the Church. And they died for their beliefs, and with their deaths came the dark centuries of apostasy. The most precious thing lost in the Apostasy was the authority held by the Twelve—the priesthood keys. For the Church to be His Church, there must be a Quorum of the Twelve who hold the keys and confer them on others” (“The Twelve,” Ensign or Liahona, May 2008, 84).

180 Irenaeus – Infant Baptism 312 Contantine - Vision of a cross above the sun bearing the words, ‘Conquer by This’ Constantine holds council at Nicea 382 Vulgate (Jerome – Latin translation of the Bible) Second Nicean Council - Saint Worship Pope Joan (?) 1095 First Crusade (Pope Urban) ‘Salvation for success’ (200,000 died in 9 crusades) Great Schism

10 “As the centuries passed, the flame flickered and dimmed
“As the centuries passed, the flame flickered and dimmed. Ordinances were changed or abandoned. The line was broken, and the authority to confer the Holy Ghost as a gift was gone. The Dark Ages of apostasy settled over the world” (“The Cloven Tongues of Fire,” Ensign, May 2000, 8).

Pope Innocent III – Indulgences Renaissance John Wycliff (Latin Bible to English) Guttenberg Columbus William Tyndale (Greek/Hebrew Bible to English) 1517 Martin Luther 1523 Martin Luther excommunicated 1534 Henry VIII – Episcopalian Church John Calvin - Presbyterians John Knox – Puritans

1611 King James (English bible) Puritans move to Boston 1776 Revolutionary War 1783 U.S. Constitution 1805 Joseph Smith born First Vision

13 Joseph Smith

14 Joseph Smith The Smith Family

15 Joseph Smith Martin Harris The Smith Family

16 Emma Smith Joseph Smith Martin Harris The Smith Family

17 Joseph Smith Emma Smith Martin Harris Orrin Porter Rockwell
The Smith Family

18 Joseph Smith Josiah Stowell Emma Smith Martin Harris
Orrin Porter Rockwell The Smith Family

19 Joseph Smith Joseph Knight Josiah Stowell Emma Smith Martin Harris
Orrin Porter Rockwell The Smith Family

20 Joseph Smith Newell Knight Joseph Knight Josiah Stowell Emma Smith
Martin Harris Orrin Porter Rockwell The Smith Family

21 Joseph Smith Newell Knight Joseph Knight Josiah Stowell Emma Smith
Martin Harris Orrin Porter Rockwell The Smith Family Oliver Cowdery

22 Joseph Smith Newell Knight Joseph Knight Josiah Stowell Emma Smith
Martin Harris Orrin Porter Rockwell The Smith Family Oliver Cowdery David Whitmer

23 Joseph Smith Newell Knight Joseph Knight Josiah Stowell Emma Smith
Martin Harris Orrin Porter Rockwell The Smith Family Oliver Cowdery David Whitmer The Whitmer Family

24 Joseph Smith Newell Knight Joseph Knight Josiah Stowell Emma Smith
Martin Harris Orrin Porter Rockwell The Smith Family Oliver Cowdery David Whitmer Warren Cowdery The Whitmer Family

25 Joseph Smith Newell Knight Joseph Knight Josiah Stowell Emma Smith
Martin Harris Orrin Porter Rockwell The Smith Family Oliver Cowdery David Whitmer Warren Cowdery The Whitmer Family Heman Hyde

26 Joseph Smith Newell Knight Joseph Knight Josiah Stowell Emma Smith
Martin Harris Orrin Porter Rockwell The Smith Family Oliver Cowdery David Whitmer Warren Cowdery The Whitmer Family Heman Hyde William Hyde

27 Joseph Smith Newell Knight Joseph Knight Josiah Stowell Emma Smith
Martin Harris Orrin Porter Rockwell The Smith Family Samuel Smith Oliver Cowdery David Whitmer Warren Cowdery The Whitmer Family Heman Hyde William Hyde

28 Joseph Smith Newell Knight Joseph Knight Josiah Stowell Emma Smith
Martin Harris Orrin Porter Rockwell The Smith Family Samuel Smith Oliver Cowdery John P. Greene David Whitmer Warren Cowdery The Whitmer Family Heman Hyde William Hyde

29 Joseph Smith Newell Knight Joseph Knight Josiah Stowell Emma Smith
Martin Harris Orrin Porter Rockwell The Smith Family Samuel Smith Oliver Cowdery John P. Greene Phineas Young David Whitmer Warren Cowdery The Whitmer Family Heman Hyde William Hyde

30 Joseph Smith Newell Knight Joseph Knight Josiah Stowell Emma Smith
Martin Harris Orrin Porter Rockwell The Smith Family Samuel Smith Oliver Cowdery John P. Greene Phineas Young David Whitmer Brigham Young Warren Cowdery The Whitmer Family Heman Hyde William Hyde

31 Joseph Smith Newell Knight Joseph Knight Josiah Stowell Emma Smith
Martin Harris Orrin Porter Rockwell The Smith Family Samuel Smith Oliver Cowdery John P. Greene Phineas Young David Whitmer Brigham Young Heber Kimball Warren Cowdery The Whitmer Family Heman Hyde William Hyde

32 Joseph Smith Newell Knight Joseph Knight Josiah Stowell Emma Smith
Martin Harris Orrin Porter Rockwell The Smith Family Samuel Smith Hyrum Smith Oliver Cowdery John P. Greene Phineas Young Parley P. Pratt David Whitmer Brigham Young Heber Kimball Warren Cowdery The Whitmer Family Heman Hyde William Hyde

33 Joseph Smith Newell Knight Joseph Knight Josiah Stowell Emma Smith
Martin Harris Orrin Porter Rockwell The Smith Family Samuel Smith Hyrum Smith Orson Pratt Oliver Cowdery John P. Greene Phineas Young Parley P. Pratt David Whitmer Brigham Young Heber Kimball Warren Cowdery The Whitmer Family Heman Hyde William Hyde

34 Joseph Smith Newell Knight Joseph Knight Josiah Stowell Emma Smith
Martin Harris Orrin Porter Rockwell The Smith Family Samuel Smith Hyrum Smith Anson Pratt Orson Pratt Oliver Cowdery John P. Greene Phineas Young Parley P. Pratt David Whitmer Brigham Young Heber Kimball Warren Cowdery The Whitmer Family Heman Hyde William Hyde

35 Joseph Smith Newell Knight Joseph Knight Josiah Stowell Emma Smith
Martin Harris Orrin Porter Rockwell The Smith Family Joseph Fielding Samuel Smith Hyrum Smith Anson Pratt Orson Pratt Oliver Cowdery John P. Greene Phineas Young Parley P. Pratt David Whitmer Brigham Young Heber Kimball Warren Cowdery The Whitmer Family Heman Hyde William Hyde

36 Joseph Smith Newell Knight Joseph Knight Josiah Stowell Emma Smith
Martin Harris Orrin Porter Rockwell The Smith Family Joseph Fielding John Taylor Samuel Smith Hyrum Smith Anson Pratt Orson Pratt Oliver Cowdery John P. Greene Phineas Young Parley P. Pratt David Whitmer Brigham Young Heber Kimball Warren Cowdery The Whitmer Family Heman Hyde William Hyde

37 Joseph Smith Newell Knight Joseph Knight Josiah Stowell Emma Smith
Martin Harris Orrin Porter Rockwell The Smith Family Joseph Fielding John Taylor Samuel Smith Hyrum Smith Anson Pratt Orson Pratt Oliver Cowdery John P. Greene Phineas Young Parley P. Pratt David Whitmer Brigham Young Heber Kimball Warren Cowdery The Whitmer Family Heman Hyde Peter Whitmer,Jr. William Hyde

38 Joseph Smith Newell Knight Joseph Knight Josiah Stowell Emma Smith
Martin Harris Orrin Porter Rockwell The Smith Family Joseph Fielding John Taylor Samuel Smith Hyrum Smith Anson Pratt Orson Pratt Oliver Cowdery John P. Greene Phineas Young Parley P. Pratt David Whitmer Sidney Rigdon Brigham Young Heber Kimball Warren Cowdery The Whitmer Family Heman Hyde Peter Whitmer,Jr. William Hyde

39 Joseph Smith Newell Knight Joseph Knight Josiah Stowell Emma Smith
Martin Harris Orrin Porter Rockwell The Smith Family Joseph Fielding John Taylor Samuel Smith Hyrum Smith Anson Pratt Orson Pratt Oliver Cowdery John P. Greene Phineas Young Parley P. Pratt David Whitmer Sidney Rigdon Brigham Young Heber Kimball Warren Cowdery The Whitmer Family Isaac Morley Heman Hyde Peter Whitmer,Jr. William Hyde

40 Joseph Smith Newell Knight Joseph Knight Josiah Stowell Emma Smith
Martin Harris Orrin Porter Rockwell The Smith Family Joseph Fielding John Taylor Samuel Smith Hyrum Smith Anson Pratt Orson Pratt Oliver Cowdery John P. Greene Phineas Young Parley P. Pratt David Whitmer Sidney Rigdon Brigham Young Heber Kimball Warren Cowdery The Whitmer Family Isaac Morley Heman Hyde Peter Whitmer,Jr. A. Sidney Gilbert William Hyde

41 Joseph Smith Newell Knight Joseph Knight Josiah Stowell Emma Smith
Martin Harris Orrin Porter Rockwell The Smith Family Joseph Fielding John Taylor Samuel Smith Hyrum Smith Anson Pratt Orson Pratt Oliver Cowdery John P. Greene Phineas Young Parley P. Pratt David Whitmer Sidney Rigdon Brigham Young Heber Kimball Warren Cowdery The Whitmer Family Isaac Morley Newell K. Whitney Heman Hyde Peter Whitmer,Jr. A. Sidney Gilbert William Hyde

42 Joseph Smith Newell Knight Joseph Knight Josiah Stowell Emma Smith
Martin Harris Orrin Porter Rockwell The Smith Family Joseph Fielding John Taylor Samuel Smith Hyrum Smith Anson Pratt Orson Pratt Oliver Cowdery John P. Greene Phineas Young Parley P. Pratt David Whitmer Sidney Rigdon Brigham Young Heber Kimball Warren Cowdery The Whitmer Family Isaac Morley Newell K. Whitney Heman Hyde Peter Whitmer,Jr. A. Sidney Gilbert Orson Hyde William Hyde

43 Joseph Smith Newell Knight John Johnson Family Joseph Knight
Josiah Stowell Emma Smith Joseph Smith Martin Harris Orrin Porter Rockwell The Smith Family Joseph Fielding John Taylor Samuel Smith Hyrum Smith Anson Pratt Orson Pratt Oliver Cowdery John P. Greene Phineas Young Parley P. Pratt David Whitmer Sidney Rigdon Brigham Young Heber Kimball Warren Cowdery The Whitmer Family Isaac Morley Newell K. Whitney Heman Hyde Peter Whitmer,Jr. A. Sidney Gilbert Orson Hyde William Hyde

44 Joseph Smith Newell Knight John Johnson Family Joseph Knight
Rosetta Snow Josiah Stowell Emma Smith Joseph Smith Martin Harris Orrin Porter Rockwell The Smith Family Joseph Fielding John Taylor Samuel Smith Hyrum Smith Anson Pratt Orson Pratt Oliver Cowdery John P. Greene Phineas Young Parley P. Pratt David Whitmer Sidney Rigdon Brigham Young Heber Kimball Warren Cowdery The Whitmer Family Isaac Morley Newell K. Whitney Heman Hyde Peter Whitmer,Jr. A. Sidney Gilbert Orson Hyde William Hyde

45 Joseph Smith Newell Knight John Johnson Family Joseph Knight
Lenora Snow Rosetta Snow Josiah Stowell Emma Smith Joseph Smith Martin Harris Orrin Porter Rockwell The Smith Family Joseph Fielding John Taylor Samuel Smith Hyrum Smith Anson Pratt Orson Pratt Oliver Cowdery John P. Greene Phineas Young Parley P. Pratt David Whitmer Sidney Rigdon Brigham Young Heber Kimball Warren Cowdery The Whitmer Family Isaac Morley Newell K. Whitney Heman Hyde Peter Whitmer,Jr. A. Sidney Gilbert Orson Hyde William Hyde

46 Joseph Smith Newell Knight John Johnson Family Eliza R. Snow
Joseph Knight Lenora Snow Rosetta Snow Josiah Stowell Emma Smith Joseph Smith Martin Harris Orrin Porter Rockwell The Smith Family Joseph Fielding John Taylor Samuel Smith Hyrum Smith Anson Pratt Orson Pratt Oliver Cowdery John P. Greene Phineas Young Parley P. Pratt David Whitmer Sidney Rigdon Brigham Young Heber Kimball Warren Cowdery The Whitmer Family Isaac Morley Newell K. Whitney Heman Hyde Peter Whitmer,Jr. A. Sidney Gilbert Orson Hyde William Hyde

47 Joseph Smith Lorenzo Snow Newell Knight John Johnson Family
Eliza R. Snow Joseph Knight Lenora Snow Rosetta Snow Josiah Stowell Emma Smith Joseph Smith Martin Harris Orrin Porter Rockwell The Smith Family Joseph Fielding John Taylor Samuel Smith Hyrum Smith Anson Pratt Orson Pratt Oliver Cowdery John P. Greene Phineas Young Parley P. Pratt David Whitmer Sidney Rigdon Brigham Young Heber Kimball Warren Cowdery The Whitmer Family Isaac Morley Newell K. Whitney Heman Hyde Peter Whitmer,Jr. A. Sidney Gilbert Orson Hyde William Hyde

48 Growth through a Social Network
Lorenzo Snow Newell Knight John Johnson Family Eliza R. Snow Joseph Knight Lenora Snow Rosetta Snow Josiah Stowell Growth through a Social Network Emma Smith Joseph Smith Martin Harris Orrin Porter Rockwell The Smith Family Joseph Fielding John Taylor Samuel Smith Hyrum Smith Anson Pratt Orson Pratt Oliver Cowdery John P. Greene Phineas Young Parley P. Pratt David Whitmer Sidney Rigdon Brigham Young Heber Kimball Warren Cowdery The Whitmer Family Isaac Morley Newell K. Whitney Heman Hyde Peter Whitmer,Jr. A. Sidney Gilbert Orson Hyde William Hyde

49 What Happens In An Internet Minute?
72 hours of video is uploaded on YouTube 250,000 pictures posted on Pintrest 2 million searches on Google 6 million Facebook views 320 new Twitter accounts are created 100,000 tweets are sent $83,000 in sales on Amazon 47,000 apps are downloaded 200 million s are sent 571 new websites are created 1.4 million minutes are used on Skype 78 million ‘Likes’ in Facebook According to a Pew study, Facebook users who share with friends of friends reach an average of… 156,569 people.

50 How You Can Help Create a profile and link it to Facebook and Twitter accounts

51 #DormMom Where is that? I’m in my dorm
Look where I am! Where are you? Where is that? I’m in my dorm Please tell me you’re not in someone else’s dorm! I’m in the wrong dorm. OMG #DormMom

52 DISPENSATION of the fullness of times
“What has been accomplished thus far in this dispensation communicating gospel messages through social media channels is a good beginning—but only a small trickle. I now extend to you the invitation to help transform the trickle into a flood. … I exhort you to sweep the earth with messages filled with righteousness and truth—messages that are authentic, edifying, and praiseworthy—and literally to sweep the earth as with a flood” (“To Sweep the Earth as with a Flood” [Brigham Young University Campus Education Week devotional, Aug. 19, 2014],

53 Jesus Christ Organized His Church

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