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Ángel Sierra, Pablo Fierro, Irais Bautista and Antonio Ortiz

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1 Ángel Sierra, Pablo Fierro, Irais Bautista and Antonio Ortiz
MC studies: multiplicity dependence of the average pT and its fluctuation Ángel Sierra, Pablo Fierro, Irais Bautista and Antonio Ortiz April 23, 2016 1

2 Dynamical Fluctuations (scale-independent approach: integrating over short- and long- range contributions) April 23, 2016 2

3 Dynamical Fluctuations (scale-dependent approach)
April 23, 2016 3

4 Jet fragments should give us positive correlations with multiplicity
For example, dynamical <pT> fluctiation can give us information about the evolution of the soft and hard component with the event multiplicity. Jet fragments should give us positive correlations with multiplicity Particles from difractive processes probably reduces their pT with increasing multiplicity (anti-correlation?) Underlying event activity increases with the jet pT, this component is therefore expected to give positive correlations Background events should give no correlations (e.g. isotropic and high multiplicty events?) Multiplicity increase (Average pT, per event, increases) Soft component Hard component April 23, 2016 4

5 Different studies can be performed
We know that MC generators reproduce the fluctuations of the average pT as a function of the event multiplicity, we can therefore study the following Sources of non-statistical correlations Color reconnection (easy to check in MC) Multiple partonic interactions Jets (this will be checked with event shapes and jet finders) Coulomb attraction (analysis with same ++, -- and +- in low multiplicity and small Delta phi-eta regions?) Flow (hydrodynamic flow can be checked in EPOS 3) vs. flow-like (CR) The next slides show some initial studies using MC (Pythia 8.212) and applying cuts on the particle pT (0.15<pT<2 GeV/c) April 23, 2016 5

6 Simulations April 23, 2016 6 6

Average transverse momentum Fluctuations of the average transverse momentum Bias to high-pT jets fragmenting in low pT particles Without such a bias WITH COLOR RECONNECTION April 23, 2016 7

Average transverse momentum Fluctuations of the average transverse momentum Héctor Angel & Pablo We see these effects in data (TPCITS08 vs V0M) WITH COLOR RECONNECTION April 23, 2016 8

Three particle density regions which we explore Average transverse momentum Fluctuations of the average transverse momentum WITH COLOR RECONNECTION April 23, 2016 9

Three particle density regions which we explore Overall increase of the fluctuation when CR is activated, but w/o CR fluctuations are still not pure statistical (jets!) Average transverse momentum Fluctuations of the average transverse momentum WITHOUT COLOR RECONNECTION April 23, 2016 10

11 April 23, 2016 11

12 Here we plot the Cm’ distributions:
Which illustrates the behavior of the correlator entering in the definition of the mean pT fluctuations (see next slide). April 23, 2016 12

These events will be studied: check process id, check acceptance effects, check jet content Here we plot the Cm’ distributions: Which illustrates the behavior of the correlator entering in the definition of the mean pT fluctuations (see next slide). WITHOUT COLOR RECONNECTION April 23, 2016 13

14 Results using ALICE data
April 23, 2016 14

15 April 23, 2016 15

16 April 23, 2016 16

17 April 23, 2016 17



20 To do Compare both systems
Underestand the nature and behavior of C'm in diferent regions

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