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1 Please take out the following:
February 16 & 17, 2016 Please take out the following: ¼ Sheet for Quiz #10 Handwritten Notes Name Period Quiz #10 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

2 Homework Start studying for the Exam
Finish any outstanding textbook questions Textbooks Next Class? Yes

3 j

4 Quote of the Day “.” -

5 Today’s Main Ideas Fascist Italy Warm Up Germany Notes
Mein Kampf Article & Discussion

6 Warm Up #3 Answer the following in your 3-Ring Binders: Two Paragraphs/Proper Grammar The slogan of fascist Italy was “Believe, Obey, Fight!” What 3-word slogan would you create for democratic U.S.? Why? Fascist Italy urged women to win the “battle of motherhood”; women who had 14 children received a medal from Mussolini. Why was such importance placed on having many children? Is that a good strategy? Why or why not?

7 Germany Post-WWI Weimar Republic Paul von Hindenberg High unemployment
Dissatisfaction with Treaty of Versailles Attacks from political extremists Paul von Hindenberg 2nd President of Germany Appointed Hitler Chancellor of Germany

8 Adolf Hitler Nazi Party Mein Kampf Rejects Treaty of Versailles
1st Revolution Failed Convicted of Treason Sentenced to 5 years in prison Mein Kampf “My Struggle” Master Race Elimination of Jews Fuhrer Rejects Treaty of Versailles Takes back the Rhineland

9 Adolf Hitler (cont.) Gestapo Nuremberg Laws Night of Broken Glass
Secret Police Nuremberg Laws Jews prohibited from: Marrying non-Jews Attending/Teaching German schools Government jobs Practicing Law or Medicine Publishing Books Night of Broken Glass Kristallnacht Nazi-led mobs attack Jewish communities

10 Mein Kampf Article Handout (Part of Homework Packet) Sourcing
“’Mein Kampf,’ Hitler’s Manifesto, Returns to German Shelves” Melissa Eddy The New York Times 1/8/2016 Munich, Germany Read & Annotate You will be graded on your annotations

11 OR Mein Kampf Discussion Pro-Publication Anti-Publication
“…illuminating an unsavory era in German history, never to be repeated…” OR Anti-Publication “…legitimize the rantings of a sociopath who led the country down the path of evil.”

12 Excerpt #1 j

13 Excerpt #2 j

14 Excerpt #3 j

15 Excerpt #4 j

16 Blind Man’s Bluff Review
Make 5 Name Cards (from list below) Find a partner to play Bling Man’s Bluff Each person gets to ask 5 yes/no questions

17 Homework Start studying for the Exam
Finish any outstanding textbook questions Textbooks Next Class? Yes

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