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Tuning the assembly of cellulose nanocrystals in spin coating

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1 Tuning the assembly of cellulose nanocrystals in spin coating
Coimbra COST FP 1105 meeting 08 & 09 of May 2014 Dr Peyre Jessie

2 What are 2D structures? Submonolayer structures
Supported ultrathin films (<100 nm thickness) Submonolayers substrate coating Submonolayer structures Ultrathin film – full coverage Individual molecules Patterned structures Islands Dr Peyre Jessie 08-09/05/2014

3 Motivation: Why 2D structures?
Modelling aspect - defined chemistry - defined morphology (2) Functional materials - sensors - transistors - photonic devices - receptors - templates for nanomaterials etc. Dr Peyre Jessie 08-09/05/2014

4 Our motivation: How 2D structures?
Cellulose / PS / gold nanoparticle films[1] Cellulose / cellulose triacetate[2] Plant-based materials form 2D structures but how? [1] Taajamaa. Chem. Commun. 49 (2013) 1318. [2] Taajamaa. Soft Matter 7 (2011) 10386 Dr Peyre Jessie 08-09/05/2014

5 Thank you.

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