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Nestle Submitted to: Dr. Rajesh Sharma Submittted by:

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1 Nestle Submitted to: Dr. Rajesh Sharma Submittted by:
Rishabh Jain JN170108 Pratik Pradhan JN170096 Shiva Kant Shukla JN170126

2 Micro Environmental factors
Suppliers Competitors Publics Market Intermediaries Customer

3 Contd… Suppliers -Paras Spices, Chicory Farmers. Competitors
- Group Danoe, Hershey Foods, Unilever VN. Marketing Intermediaries - Kokila Agencies Vellore, M/S Loginish Logistics India Pvt Ltd. and many more. Publics - Employees, Stakeholders, Academia, Governments, Suppliers. Customers - The products of Nestle are suitable for every age group. Even other companies purchase from it like Dominoes, Duncan hines

4 Macro Environmental Factors
Social and Political factors Technological Factors Cultural factors Economic factors Natural Factors Demographic factors

5 Contd… Demographic Factors: Category Age Product Infant 0-4 years
Cerelac and Lactogen Teenagers 13-20 years Kitkat, Maggi, Chocolates Occupation 25 years above Nescafe Classic Demographic Factors: Technological Factors -Nestle beverge vending machine-multi option Cultural Factors - Milk substitute for infants Social Factors Help 50 million children to lead healthier life Economic Factors - Employment opportunities Natural Factors - Plants at different places such as Karnataka, Punjab.

6 Market Research Techniques
Primary market research Quantitative Qualitative Secondary market research

7 Customer Value Creation Strategy
Nestle uses the most suitable language for advertising in different countries Nescafe employees a “think globally, at locally” strategy. Nescafe coffee is marketed as global brand even through advertisement messages and product formulation. E-invoicing Product innovation

8 Thank You

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