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Household Surveys and Measurement of Labour Force

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1 Household Surveys and Measurement of Labour Force
INSTITUTO NACIONAL DE ESTATÍSTICA Household Surveys and Measurement of Labour Force (Mozambique) Xadreque Maunze Maseru, April 2008 Home page:

2 Overview Labour Force Survey Employment Informal sector Remarks
INSTITUTO NACIONAL DE ESTATÍSTICA Overview Labour Force Survey Employment Informal sector Remarks Home page:

OVERVIEW In general terms, the information is essential for planning and formulating poicies on the development of human resources; The labour force survey it is an important tool for the design and evaluation of overall government policies aimed at promoting and creating employment (formulate appropriate action programmes); In Mozambique, statistics on the Labour Force are one of the major element in formulating and evaluating goverment policies on alleviation of poverty. Home page:

Labour Force survey The Labour Force Survey (IFTRAB) it was conducted by National Institute of Statistics in collaboration with the Ministry of Labour, in 2004/05; The survey covers: The general Labour Force (we provide basic information on the size and structure of a country´s workforce); Child Labour. Home page:

5 Booklet - Women and Men in Mozambique (including labour statistics).
INSTITUTO NACIONAL DE ESTATÍSTICA Labour Force statistics and gender statistics are growing, consistent with a growing of the production of statistics in general; We release a report writing, when the gender team developed some demographic, social and economic analysis on gender perspective; Booklet - Women and Men in Mozambique (including labour statistics). Home page:

6 The frequency of collecting labour market information is monthly;
INSTITUTO NACIONAL DE ESTATÍSTICA The source of labour market information are provided by the Ministry of Labour; The frequency of collecting labour market information is monthly; The First National Informal Sector Survey (INFOR). Home page:

7 Employment (74.6%) The employed population consists of two categories:
INSTITUTO NACIONAL DE ESTATÍSTICA Employment (74.6%) The employed population consists of two categories: Employees and Self- employed persons. Employees – comprise individuals in employment Individuals who during the reference period – against remuneration, perform some work for at least one hour, and persons with a job but temporarily absent from work (because of illness, vacation, maternity leave or other leave of absence), but who had a job attachment to an employer; Self-employed – persons who perform work for profit during the reference period. Home page:

8 Casual daily labourers;
INSTITUTO NACIONAL DE ESTATÍSTICA The National definition excludes all persons who where temporarily absent from work during the reference period with the following reasons: Seasonal workers; Casual daily labourers; Home page: Profissionalismo e Sinergias na Produção Estatística

REMARKS The series of LFS are relatively young; We are currently in the process of updating the women and men in Mozambique; We will continue helping stakeholders in order to analyze data on gender perspective; We are working together with Ministry of Plan, Ministry of Labour, Ministry of Woman and Social Affair and other stakeholders in order to integrate more and more variables on gender issues. Home page:

Finally, we need to improve our analysis and dissemination strategy on gender basis. Home page:

OBRIGADO Home page:

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