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Romanian Education System

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1 Romanian Education System

2 Structure of the Education System
Age Grade Educational Levels >19 Post-graduate education Higher education and post-graduate education Higher Education Post-high school (post lyceum) Post-secondary non-tertiary education 18 XIII Lyceum Upper Cycle Upper secondary education 17 XII 16 XI Completion Year 15 X Lower Cycle Arts (Vocational schools) and Trades School Lower secondary education 14 IX 13 VIII First cycle of lower secondary (gimnaziu) 12 VII 11 VI 10 V 9 IV Primary Education Primary education 8 III 7 II 6 I 5 Preparatory 4 Middle Pre-primary Education Pre-school education 3 Beginner Compulsory

3 Curriculum Framework National Curriculum - Seven Curricular Areas:
- Core Curriculum (75%) - School-based Curriculum School Educational Offer - Extracurricular activities - Special Needs for students with deficiencies or high performance capacity LANGUAGE AND COMMUNICATION MATHEMATICS AND NATURAL SCIENCE PEOPLE AND SOCIETY ARTS PHYSICAL EDUCATION TECHNOLOGIES COUNSELLING AND GUIDANCE

4 Class size, school year & timetable
Class size - depends on the educational level: Pre-primary 10  20 Primary 15  25 First cycle of lower secondary 15 28 Lyceum 25  28 School year: 34 to 36 weeks starting date: September 15th ending date: June 15th Timetable: 50-minute classes / 10-minute breaks Morning or afternoon classes

5 Priorities of the Education Policy
Equal and improved access to education High educational standards and training for a knowledge-based society Decentralizing of the education system Turning education into a basic tool in the modernisation process of Romania Envisaging the investment in human resources as the most profitable long-term investment Reconstruction of rural education Combining excellence and general education in an efficient way IT contribution to education Enhancing the European dimension of education Institutional development of permanent education

6 Governance of the Education System
NCC – National Council for Curriculum NSAE – National Service for Assessment and Evaluation PEEAC – Pre-university Education Evaluation and Accreditation Commission NCPTST – National Centre for Pre-university Teaching Staff Training NCTVETD – National Centre for TVET Development NCTEAD – National Council for Textbooks Evaluation, Approval and Distribution NCE – National Centre for Excellence CSI – County School Inspectorates TTH – Teacher Training Houses LDC – Local Development Committee for Social Partnership in VET LCSS – Local Council School Service Ministry of Education County School Inspectorates NCC NSAE PEEAC NCPTST NCTVETD NCTEAD Schools TTH LDC LCSS NCE Other units

7 Curriculum National Curriculum: Schools’ Educational Offer:
Core Curriculum (75%) Differentiated Curriculum – grades 9 & 10 School-based Curriculum & 8 grades Schools’ Educational Offer: School-based curriculum - 1 & 8 grades Extra-curricular activities

8 Teachers Initial training: Professional development:
Higher education for secondary education Pedagogical Lyceum/High College/ Higher education for pre-school & primary Professional development: On the job confirmation (definitivat) Didactic grade II Didactic grade I

9 Priorities of the Education Reform
Ensuring access to and improving quality of education for everyone Rural area Disadvantaged groups (Rroma minority and SEN) Developing human resources for the knowledge society The eLearning initiative Reform of compulsory education Development of the TVET

10 School management

11 Erasmus+ Project Signs of the times
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