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Technology Upgrades for Anatomy, Neuroanatomy, and PVM

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1 Technology Upgrades for Anatomy, Neuroanatomy, and PVM
Brittany Mccauslin and Tod Capp November 6, 2012

2 Background Visible Human Dissector
Developed at UCHSC in collaboration with Mark Frasier $1000/copy to public $79/ CSU student Free for CSU owned computers Integral part of anatomy classes at CSU 585 students/year


4 Background Virtual Canine anatomy
Developed at CSU by Dr. Ray Whalen and contributors $?/copy to public $56/ CSU student Free for CSU owned computers Integral part of animal anatomy classes at CSU 200 undergraduate students/year 135 Professional Veterinary Students/year


6 Current Programs Human Anatomy Human Dissection 500/year 50/year
Animal Anatomy 160/year PVM 135/year Campus wide utilization Engineering, Natural sciences, Applied Human Sciences, Liberal Arts, CVMBS, Business, Ag Sciences, Natural Resources Human Dissection 50/year Animal Dissection 40/year


8 Unique Access to technology while in lab
Ability to compare real vs ideal Labor intensive, requires dedicated staff Ability to teach cross sectional anatomy Similar to current medical imaging Teaches surgical approaches




12 Other Benefits Outreach / Service Learning Great recruiting tool
20 to 30/year 2500 HS students served throughout CO Generate student interest in BioScience Great recruiting tool

13 Summary ≈80% of our Human Anatomy classes are from other colleges
This technology sets us apart from other universities CVMBS would like to partner with UTFAB to continue offering this experience

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