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Online Signature as a Behavioral Biometric

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1 Online Signature as a Behavioral Biometric
Berrin Yanıkoğlu

2 Problem Given a signature and a claimed identity, decide on whether to accept or reject the signature. Signature is a behavioral biometric such as gait and voice, as opposed to physiological biometrics such as fingerprint and iris. Advantages: No need to remember pins or carry tokens/cards Well accepted socially and legally Already used in a number of applications (e.g., points of sales) Acquisition hardware already integrated in devices (Tablet PC, PDA, …) Changeable Disadvantages: May be forged

3 Signature Verification
Static (offline) Image of the signature is the input Applications: bank check clearing 3/8/2002 Dear John, Best regards, Dynamic (online): Pressure-sensitive tablets used to capture the image and dynamic properties of the signature More unique, more difficult to forge Applications: credit card processing, added security to laptops/PDAs...

4 Signature Verification - Jan 2010 - B. Yanikoglu
Input x,y Time Stamp Pressure Pen Inclination Curvature Acceleration Signature Verification - Jan B. Yanikoglu

5 Sample Vector Representation
(x1 y1 p1 t1) (x2 y2 p2 t2) S = (xN yN pN tN) where xi and yi are the coordinates and pi and ti are the pressure and timestamp at point i. There may be more features which are measured or extracted.

6 Genuine and Forgery Signatures

7 Genuine Signature Variations
Common variations in genuine signatures: Size Pen thickness Extra/missing/longer/shorter strokes Rotation Relative position of strokes Easier to handle Difficult to handle

8 Genuine vs Forgeries Main difficulty in signature verification:
Forgeries Genuine Main difficulty in signature verification: high intra-class and low inter-class variations

9 Genuine vs Forgeries Reference set (all genuine): Queries:

10 Genuine vs Forgeries Reference set (all genuine): Queries: Forgery

11 Genuine vs Forgeries Reference set (all genuine): Queries: Forgery

12 Genuine vs Forgeries Reference set (all genuine): Queries: Forgery

13 Genuine vs Forgeries Reference set (all genuine): Queries: Forgery

14 Genuine vs Forgeries Reference set (all genuine): Queries: Forgery

15 Genuine vs Forgeries Reference set (all genuine): Queries: Forgery

16 Genuine vs Forgeries Reference set (all genuine): Queries: Genuine
Forgery Genuine Forgery

17 Matching and Verification

18 Matching/Verification
Need a similarity/distance measure. signatures are of varying length distance measure should be insensitive to intra-class variations in shape or timing Then we can accept a signature as genuine if the distance is small; reject otherwise x

19 Euclidian distance? Dynamic Time Warping

20 Fourier Coefficients in Online Signature Verification
7.5% EER in SUSIG database

21 Local Features Spatial features (at each trajectory point):
x, y coordinates w.r.t the center of the signature x & y offset btw. two consecutive points sine & cosine of the angle with x axis curvature grey values in the 9x9 neighbourhood ... Dynamic features (at each trajectory point): absolute speed: (pi – pi-1)/ (ti – ti-1) distance per sample pts relative speed (absolute speed normalized by the average signing speed) acceleration pressure pen tilt

22 A Dynamic Programming Approach
Dynamic Time Warping A Dynamic Programming Approach

23 Dynamic time warping Goal: find the best non-linear alignment between two sequences, such that the total alignment cost is minimized. Method: Dynamic time warping is an algorithm for measuring similarity between two sequences which may vary in time/speed/length.

24 Dynamic Programming Dynamic Time Warping used here is a special case of Dynamic Programming which is a powerful optimization technique for certain problems where there are overlapping subproblems and optimal structure. Dynamic Programming uses the solutions to subproblems in the globally optimal solution. Many application areas: String edit distance Viterbi algorithm in Hidden Markov Models Longest common subsequence ...

25 Dynamic Programming Example: Sequence Alignment
... For the following sequences: S1: ABCDFGGGXYZ S2: ABCDDFFGXYZ what is the `best` alignment? Depend on costs associated with insertion, deletion and substitution. ABCD. F. GGGXYZ ABCDDF FG . . XYZ 4 insertion/deletions ABCDFGGGXYZ ABCDDF FGXYZ 3 substitutions Notice how different paths on the grid correspond to different alignments. There are exponentially many paths and enumerating each of them to compute the cost is infeasible! This is where Dynamic Programming principle come into play.

26 Dynamic Programming Example: Sequence Alignment
F F D D D C B A We need to fill the cost matrix on the right, according to the formulas below and keep a back pointer to the cell that gave the minimum value: Cost [0,0]=0 Cost [i,0]=i*InsertionCost Cost [0,j]=j*DeletionCost 0,0 A B C D E F G G G Euclidian dist.

27 Dynamic Programming Example: Sequence Alignment
F D D D C B A Note that: 1) Cost[i,j] stores the minimum cost of all the paths starting from (0,0) and ending at (i,j). 2) Cost[i,j] is independent from the rest of the alignment (from i,j to N,M). Hence, we can compute it once for all the alternative paths! 0,0 A B C D E F G G G 3) We won`t know until the end whether the optimal alignment (global solution) passes through i,j or any other grid locations.

28 Dynamic time warping for Online Signatures
Signature alignment is basically done the same as sequence alignment: instead of letters at each index, we compare local features such as normalized x,y coordinates decide whether an insertion, deletion or matching with penalty (diagonal move) would result in a minimum cost we typically use the same cost for insertion and deletion, but they should be adjusted compared to the matching cost such that the path does not always degenerate to a sequence of Delete followed by Inserts.

29 User-based score distribution of genuine and forgery users
Common (EER) Threshold User-based score distribution of genuine and forgery users

30 User-based score distribution of genuine and forgery users
Common (EER) Threshold User-based score distribution of genuine and forgery users Especially applicable for voice, signature ... biometrics Need for user-based score normalization There is a lot of research in this area.

31 Verification

32 Verification xTemplate x3
Compare the test signature (Y) to the reference signatures (Xi) belonging to the claimed identity, obtaining: Y x4 x3 x1 x2 x5 xTemplate Y dmin dtemplate dmax Calculated Distances: Maximum Distance to Ref. Set Minimum Distance to Ref. Set Distance to Template Sig. Typically, the distance to the nearest reference signature or the distance to a template signature, is used and are both reasonable choices.

33 Our System’s Performance
2013 First Place in SigWiComp2013 All tasks: Online (Japanese signatures) and Offline (Japanese and Dutch signatures) 2011 1st place in ESRA2011 Online Signature Evaluation Campaign on Task1-DS3 2011 Winner of the SigComp2011 Offline Signature Verification (on Chinese database; 3rd place in Dutch database) Winner of the 4NSIGCOMP2010 Forensic Signature Verification Winner of the First International Signature Verification Competition (SVC 2004) Interpro Computing Awards – R&D Prize Finalist (Online Signature Verification System)

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