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Presentation on theme: "LAMAR ELEMENTARY SCHOOL"— Presentation transcript:

                                                                                                                                                                                                                 LAMAR ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 3261 Highway 81 South Jonesborough, Tennessee 37659 Principal – Shannon Gray Assistant Principal – Derek Murphy

2 Demographics STUDENTS FACULTY/STAFF Current enrollment is 616
Approx. 72% of students are on free or reduced lunch BUILDING 44 Classrooms in Main Building 2 Classrooms and SACC in the 2 Portable Buildings FACULTY/STAFF Principal Assistant Principal DCI Coordinator 31 preK-8 Teachers 5 Special Education Teachers 5 Related Arts Teachers 1 School Counselor Nurse Occupational Therapist 17 Instructional Assistants 3 Custodians 7 Cafeteria Staff 8 Bus Drivers 2 Special Ed Bus Drivers

3 Reading/Language Arts Instruction

4 Literacy Centers in PreKindergarten – 2nd Grade
Leveled Readers Poems and Charts Word Games Trade books Books on Tape/CD

5 Use a variety of reading genres in the implementation of shared reading, guided reading, read-aloud, and independent reading Weekly Reader Scholastic News Non-fiction books Leveled readers Book boxes Big Books Poetry Notebooks

6 Use of differentiated instruction to raise reading level of all students
Textbook Series Leveled Readers READ 180 Book Boxes Re-teaching of any student not achieving 80% Whole group, Small group, and Individual Peer tutoring Staff Development

7 Give extended opportunities for instruction
Teacher and Peer Tutoring Title One Program Resource Classes Community sponsored Homework Club TCAP Coach Books RTI/Independent Reading

8 Providing Opportunities for Family Involvement
Take-home baggie books Reading logs Family Newsletters EPIC! Family Involvement Nights Family Involvement Projects PTA Programs

9 Continued Use of Accelerated Reader, STAR reading programs, and PLATO
STAR is a computer program that test students’ reading levels Students then participate in Accelerated Reading by reading books on their level, followed by a short computerized quiz that measures comprehension and retention of the literature

10 Working with Words to increase vocabulary and reading skills
Word Walls K-8 High Frequency Words Word Building No Excuse Words Labeled Classrooms K-1 Professional Development for Teachers

11 The writing process will be implemented across the curriculum through the use of writer’s workshop
Writing process is displayed in classrooms Writing Journals/Folders Monthly writing prompts Implementing the Units of Study for Primary Writing by Lucy Calkins Interactive Writing Lessons with DCI

12 Use of technology programs to enhance writing skills
2Type Stationary Studio MaxWrite Microsoft Word Kidspiration (K-4) Inspiration (5-8) 2Create a Story

13 Use of trade books to teach mini lessons showing author’s craft in writing
Matching picture to the print Teaches correct use of grammar and punctuation Teaches students how to add detail Teaches comprehension

14 Math Instruction

15 Title I will instruct students in 5th and 7th grades through the use of reducing class size
Students are placed in a class with a smaller teacher-student ratio allowing for additional time and help from the teacher

16 Incorporate technology into lesson plans to enhance math skills of students
Discovery Ed Think Links PLATO Math Facts in a Flash United Streaming Brain Pop Web quests Smart Boards and Senteo Basic and Graphing Calculators

17 Enhance Math Vocabulary
Teachers use Marzano’s Vocabulary book Students use math journals Math Literature Word walls incorporate math vocabulary

18 Calendar Math preK-2 Recognition of numbers
Recognition of the months of the year Recognition of the days of the week Recognition of patterns Addition (adding on) Subtraction (counting back) Calendar centers

19 Math Centers for Students in Grades preK-2
Manipulatives Math Literature File Folder Activities Math Games

20 Use of Music and Movement to Teach Counting in Elementary Grades
Song Charts Variety of Music Genres Research shows that the more senses a child uses to obtain information the more likely they are to retain that information.

21 Opportunities for Extended Instruction
Math Quest Community Homework Club Regular and Title I Summer School Girls on the Run Green Team

22 Additional Resources Pacing Guides K-8 Essential Questions
‘I Can’ Statements Learn 360 Trade Books from the Library TCAP Coach Books Peer Tutoring Volunteers HABIT DEA Lamar Lending Library

23 EPIC! Activities EPIC! Family Nights- CSI: Math Night, Carnival of Science EPIC! Honor Roll Red Ribbon Week Walk to School School-wide Positive Behavior Policy EPIC! Character Education System EPIC! plays a large part at Lamar School.

24 EPIC! Monthly Challenges
Canned Food Drive Food for Animal Shelter Ronald McDonald House Tab Collection Coins for Coats St. Jude’s Mathathon Book Drive for Niswonger Children’s Hospital

25 We Are Cherokees Working To Be the Best We Can Be!

26 Lamar Ruritan donated dictionaries to all 3rd grade students

27 7th graders completed a Biography project


29 Lamar Athletes


31 EPIC! Captivating Carnival of Science Family Night





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