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VANCOUVER The World’s Fastest Growing Low-Carbon Economy

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1 VANCOUVER The World’s Fastest Growing Low-Carbon Economy
Presented by: Bryan Buggey Welcome all to session and to Vancouver Introduce VEC, etc

BRYAN: Please enter your own notes here about GCAP, now RCS 2

3 31% of Vancouver’s energy is already renewable.
VANCOUVER in 2015: Where are are we now? 31% of Vancouver’s energy is already renewable. Our new 2050 targets are ambitious and achievable. 31% is Vancouver’s energy is already clean thanks largely to 93% of Vancouver’s electricity being renewable 45% natural gas for building space heat and hot water 25% transport – dominated by gasoline Tackle these two large areas. ENERGY USED IN VANCOUVER IN 2014 The World’s Fastest Growing Low-Carbon Economy Presented by: Bryan Buggey 3

4 We will need to act as well as advocate.
RENEWABLE CITY PLAN: What will it take? We will need to act as well as advocate. CONTROL SUPPORT Building Standards Land Use Road Network Major Roads Network Waste Management City Services ADVOCACY “Some examples” CONTROL: Building standards, Land Use, Transportation; SUPPORT (might be better as PARTNERSHIPS, its not clear if we need support or if we’re giving it): Regional Waste, Regional Transportation, ADVOCACY: Power Generation, Carbon Pricing, Vehicle Standards, the best outcome under advocacy is to move the issue into the Partnership or Control categories Federal Government Provincial Government Regional Government The World’s Fastest Growing Low-Carbon Economy Presented by: Bryan Buggey 4

5 And what’s the economic opportunity?
The World’s Fastest Growing Low-Carbon Economy Presented by: Bryan Buggey

6 Green and Local Food Jobs 2014-2016
GREEN ECONOMIC GROWTH 4.1% Increase 15% Decrease $31.5 Billion GDP Growth in 2015 GHG Emissions “Green” Brand Value 23.9% Increase 94,000 GDP Have averaged over 3.5% for last 5 years Fastest growing in Canada, and predicted to remain so til 2020 (Conference Board) GHG emissions 15% decrease in community-based emissions since 2007  decoupled economic growth from carbon emissions 94K Jobs Created more than anywhere else in Canada Green and Local Food jobs 23.9% increase in only 2 years, Projected Brand Values of Peer Cities: Vancouver - $31.5B San Francisco - $102.5B  Singapore - $93.4B  Sydney - $61.1B  Shanghai - $101B  Hong Kong - $60.8B     Comparison between cities •Vancouver’s brand value may be lower than the competitive set, but this is due to being the smallest economy out of the group. Since the valuation is tied to GRDP, the larger economies will inherently have a larger value. Further, those cities that are “younger” in the life cycle have more aggressive growth forecasts (Shanghai) pushing up the value. •That being said, Vancouver has one of the strongest brands, and has developed the most equity in the marketplace. This is a result of solid marketing, and capitalizing off of investments made prior to the 2010 Olympics. Vancouver has been able to showcase itself as being a very “green, and eco-friendly” city, leveraging their landscape appeal to people. It is important that Vancouver ensures they use this as a key differentiator moving forward. New Jobs Created in Green and Local Food Jobs The World’s Fastest Growing Low-Carbon Economy Presented by: Bryan Buggey

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