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英语写作教学 English Writing I

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1 英语写作教学 English Writing I
主讲教师 鲁晓霞 西安文理学院外国语学院

2 Chapter One Manuscript Form and Punctuation
Objectives: 1. To learn to write the title or the topic correctly 2. To learn to divide the words correctly 3. To learn to capitalize words correctly 4. To learn to use punctuation marks correctly

3 Chapter One Manuscript Form and Punctuation
Part One Manuscript Form Part Two Punctuation

4 How to write the following titles?
my best friend cristmas in the mrning a room without windows walt whitman and his leaves of grass the man that i have to put up with what will the twenty-first century be like? “i can work like any guy” lu xun and his the diary of a mad man

5 Chapter One Manuscript Form and Punctuation
Part One Manuscript Form 2. Word Division 1.Arrangement 3.Capitalization

6 Part One Manuscript Form
1. Arrangement: Writing in correct manuscript form is very important, because it makes it easy to read what is written and prevents misunderstanding. back

7 (1) to place the title or topic of the essay in the middle of the first line
(2) to start the first line of every paragraph after a space of four or five letters (3) to write on every other line so that there will be room for corrections (4) to leave a margin of about 2 centimeters at the top and the bottom of the page, and 1 centimeter and a half on the right and left side sample

8 Part One Manuscript Form
2cm My Best Friend Tom is my best friend. He often helps 1.5cm me with my homework cm We make progress together.

9 Look at the titles carefully:
My Best Friend Christmas in the Morning A Room Without Windows Walt Whitman and His Leaves of Grass The Man That I Have to Put Up With What Will the Twenty-First Century Be Like? “I Can Work Like Any Guy” Lu Xun and His “ The Diary of a Mad Man” What can you find from the writing of the above titles?

10 Write the title correctly
1. Every word of the title should be capitalized, except articles, prepositions (less than four letters), coordinate conjunctions (and, but ,or, for, so, etc.), and to in infinitives. 2. The first or the last word of the title should be capitalized.

11 3. No full stop should be used at the end of a title.
4. The title of a book within the topic should be underlined or italicized in printing. 5. The title of an article should be put between quotation marks.

12 Part One Manuscript Form
2. Word Division: When the space left near the end of a line is not or barely enough for the word we are going to write, we should write the word on the next line, or divide the word if it is a long term. back

13 My Best Friend Li Ming is my best friend. He works as a tra slator___________________. I wrote him a letter to tell him what happened in ...

14 Part One Manuscript Form
(1) One-syllable words can not be divided. count, health, thought (2) Words with two or more syllables can be divided according to the formation of syllables. re·peat·ed, in·sist, punc·tu·al, san·dal, de·cline, trans·la·tion (3) A stressed close syllable usually takes a consonant with it. ded·i·cate, grat·i·fy, la·bor·a·to·ry, fin·ish

15 Part One Manuscript Form
(4) The hyphen that shows a word is divided is put at the end of a line. (5) A consonant plus –le is treated as a syllable. min·gle, peo·ple, no·ble (6) A single letter cannot be put at the beginning or at the end of a line. e·voke, heart·y (7) A two-letter ending should not be put at the beginning of a line. hand·ed, hard·en

16 Part One Manuscript Form
(8) Divisions that may mislead the reader should be avoided. re·ally, lay·man (9) Words with hyphens should be divided only at the hyphen. broad-minded, broken-hearted (10) Two-syllable words with double consonants in the middle are as a rule divided between the two consonants. strug·gle, lat·ter, gig·gle back

17 Part One Manuscript Form
3. Capitalization: (1) proper names the Summer Palace, Women’s Day, the Middle Ages (2) key words in titles My Impressions of Beijing A Clean, Well-Lighted Place (3) the first words of sentences All sentences should begin with capital letters.

18 Part Two Punctuation ※1. the comma (,) (1)A comma is used to join coordinate clauses. It is put before the conjunction (and, but, or, for, so, nor, yet).

19 a. We started early in the morning, and before dark we reached the village.
b. He wanted to go, but other people disagreed. c. Hurry up, or we’ll miss the train. d. Nobody was listening, for everybody was shouting to be heard.

20 b. On hearing about the accident, he went to the site at once.
(2)A comma is used after an adverbial clause or phrase, including a prepositional and a participial phrase placed before the subject, or inserted in the middle of the sentence. a. When the rain stopped, we continued to work in the fields. b. On hearing about the accident, he went to the site at once. c. Some listeners, bored by the lengthy talk, closed their eyes and dozed off.

21 b. The children sang, danced, jumped and chased each other.
(3)Commas are used to separate a series of words or phrases with the same function in he sentence. a. Every weekend she goes to the nearest supermarket to buy pork, chicken, fish, vegetables, bread and other foods for the next week. b. The children sang, danced, jumped and chased each other. Note: The comma before the conjunction and the last item is optional. It can be omitted if there is no danger of misreading.

22 (4)Nonrestrictive clauses and phrases are set off by commas.
a. At 22 she left the college, where she had spent four fruitful and memorable years. b. Mr. Huang, the new director of the company, will soon announce his plans for reforms.

23 (5)Commas set off parenthetical elements.
a. The machines you have supplied us, I’m glad to tell you, work very hard. b. The world’s three great religions, Buddhism, Christianity, and Islam, all have believers in China.

24 b. She was born on 15 September 1980.
(6)In dates, a comma is used to separate the day and the year if the order is month—day—year; no comma needs to be used if the order is day—month—year. a. Hong Kong was restored to China on July 1, 1997. b. She was born on 15 September 1980.

25 (7)With numbers of 1,000 or over, commas or little blank spaces may be used to separate digits by thousands. From right to left, a comma is placed after every three numerals. a. 1,253,900 b

26 2. the period (.) (1)The period (full stop) is used at the end of a declarative sentence, a mildly imperative sentence, and an indirect question. a. Punctuation marks are important in writing. b. She asked the teacher how parentheses are different from brackets.

27 (2)The period is used with most abbreviations.
Mr. Mrs. Ms. Dr. U.S.A. U.K. a.m. p.m. (3)Three spaced periods make the ellipsis mark, which indicates the omission of one or more words within a quoted passage. “He said many things, such as … such as … oh, yes, he said that he would resign from the committee.”

28 ※3. the semicolon (;) (1)The semicolon is used between two coordinate clauses which are not linked by a conjunction. a. She doesn’t like this film; she is disgusted with it. b. She was interested in history a few years ago; today her main interest is in anthropology.

29 (2)Conjunctive adverbs like therefore, however, nonetheless, hence, otherwise, besides, moreover, etc., should not be used as conjunctions to link two coordinate clauses. Before them there should be a semicolon, not a comma. a. He promised to come to the meeting; however, he didn’t appear. b. She didn’t go with them to climb the mountain; otherwise, she would have been caught in the storm.

30 (3)The semicolon is used with conjunctions when the clauses contain internal punctuation.
a. He wrote a few good books when he was young and poor; but after he became famous and rich, he wrote nothing worth reading. b. As he promised, he donated a large sum of money; and this money helped with the completion of the project.

31 (4)The semicolon is used to separate a series of items with internal commas.
Among those who joined the discussion were Miss Wu, a well-known writer; Mr. Li, editor of the literary supplement of the local newspaper; Dr. Qian, a professor of literary criticism; and Ms. Sun, a famous historian.

32 (5)A semicolon may be used to join clauses with words omitted, and the omission is sometimes indicated by a comma. In this prestigious university there are many famous professors; in that smaller university, a few; in our college, none.

33 Assignment 1. Write a short essay about your summer holiday.
2. Do the related exercises in the textbook.

34 Reference Books 1. 《英语写作手册》 丁往道等主编 外语教学与研究出版社
2.《高级英语写作指南》祁寿华 上海外语教育出版社 3. 《英语写作》刘家荣主编 高等教育出版社 4. 英语写作纵横谈 毛荣贵 编著 上海外语教育出版社 5.文秋芳,王立非.《英语写作教学》。陕西师范大学出版社,2003.

35 Thank You!

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