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Kenya team Progress Carsten/Maurice/Mary/Tarirai/Irene
Output 1 Farming system diagnosis and related entry points for multi-purpose legumes in farming systems and synthesis of lessons learnt across all action sites
Activity 1: Farm level diagnosis of current functions
Activity 1.1. Tools for assessing current legume functions Yes. Tools developed and applied: Quick baseline survey tool Farm characterization survey tool Village meetings checklists Focus Group discussions check lists Soil sampling protocol
1.2 Quantification of the current contribution of most relevant legumes
Yes. Achieved through quick baseline and farm characterization surveys. Baseline report available, FCS reporting is on going 1.3 Database on soil and plant parameters for evaluating potential of tested legumes -On going-Soil analysis for -C,N,P,K analysis done for 148 soil samples. -Creation of soil data base is yet to be achieved
2.1: Analyses of secondary information
Activity 2: Analysis of overall production environment 2.1: Analyses of secondary information Yes. Partly done by Eric -Humidtropic’s SAT-not relevant for Kenya/KALRO reports-applicable? -This require clarifications on the expectation/who is responsible 2.2 Tools for implementing value chain analyses Yes. The tool available on wiki. Posted by Paul Donton. To be done through innovation platforms -There’s need to develop the tools and further clarifications on the platforms
2.3 GIS mapping of larger scale production environment characteristics
Ongoing: UoH is undertaking this; Erics work This was started sometime back but details are not clear/Generose and an ILRI staff-to shed light No proper documentation has been done on this
Activity 3: Identification of gender typology specific entry points
3.1 Tools for participatory identification of entry points and farmers visioning available Yes. Entry points identification accomplished. Done by Kenya team and Eric as well-Need for the report by Eric to be shared -Community visioning is pending-seek clarifications when/how to do this- to be removed from the proposal Note: Gender representation target met?-no. we can do away with this. It’s a process
3.2 Interactions with stakeholder groups to reach consensus on anticipated entry points
-Yes. Achieved through FGDs, village meetings -Trainings and follow ups-Reports available -Stakeholders engaged: farmers, village elders, guides, county administrative staff, County agricultural staff (extension officers, SCAOs, SCCO), UoH, IITA, KALRO, ICRAF, ILRI -The stakeholders will be invited to the innovation platforms
No. Further clarifications required
Activity 4: Synthesis of lesson learnt in relation to legume intensification 4.1 Standard tools for capturing major entry lessons available for use by R4D platform partners No. Further clarifications required 4.2 Lessons across all sites synthesized and fed back to the Humidtropics No. Will be done in year 3. Comes towards the end of the project.
Output 2 A suite of proven, farmer and system specific legume-based options for system intensification
1.1 Detailed literature study on past experience
Activity 1: Participatory action research to quantify optimization of identified legumes 1.1 Detailed literature study on past experience Yes. Eric has done this to some extent-need to share with project team- more be done by Tarirai/Linkages necessary 1.2 Field campaigns to determine best practices for enhancing legumes Yes. Best practices for enhancing legumes has been accomplished through farmer training and guiding brochures-a copy of the training package be availed
1.3 Databases with information obtained from field campaigns
Yes. Information available –need to be shared out Activity 2: Ex-ante assessment of longer-term sustainability of interventions 2.1 Identification of simulation model tools for assessing long-term… Yes. WANULCAF-Plot level, LUCIA-landscape modeling 2.2 Improve soil fertility and competition modules of the models Ongoing. Need to identify calibration for soil microbial parameters for model. Intercrop module for LUCIA developed an currently being tested
year simulation to assess long-term impacts of decision on soil productivity fertility and ecosystem functions at plot, farm and landscape No. The student has just started and need to get data/data base. To begin after completion of course work at UoH Activity 3: Compilation of best-fit legume interventions and required conditions 3.1 Tools for designing and analyzing farm-level interventions Yes. simple paired plot analysis/farmers and researcher interventions -Trial protocols developed- Need to share Data gathering through destructive sampling –done by Eric-need to share the results Yield and biomass data from different treatments-Eric
Activity 4: Facilitation of degree-related capacity building
3.2 Database with best practices for different legume classes within a GxExM framework -Yes. Through on farm trials in the project sites -Detailed information on interventions in all sites and results be availed -May require further clarifications Activity 4: Facilitation of degree-related capacity building 4.1 At least 2PhD and 7 MSc projects are identified -Yes. 2 PhD identified -3 MSc
4. 2 At least 2PhD and 7 MSc theses delivered in a timely manner -No
4.2 At least 2PhD and 7 MSc theses delivered in a timely manner -No. Ongoing. Will be achieved in 2017 and beyond
Output 3 LegumeCHOICE-a decision support framework for enhancing the contributions of legumes to farmer livelihoods
Activity 1: Co-development of a prototype decision support framework
1.1 At least 2 monthly interactions between various stakeholders groups to evaluate, modify prototype -Yes. Adequate effort put in development by project collaborators -Testing of the prototype version done and feed back given to developers -Evaluation with other stakeholders not done, set for Need for proper guidelines on the activity
-Refer to output 2 activity 2, 3
Activity 2: Evaluation of trade-offs between legumes integration scenarios 2.1 Tools for trade-off analyses available in cooperation with Humidtropics -Refer to output 2 activity 2, 3 -Timeline-require guidance on implementation. -Currently not well understood-elaboration on the concept 2.2 Assessment of legume-led rotation and management impact on food security, ecosystems -Include study of scenarios by Eric. Will be intensified in the coming seasons -Impact assessment should come towards the end of the project-the modeling process
Activity 3. Development of LegumeCHOICE –Version 1
2.3. Information on trade-offs is integrated in LegumeCHOICE -No. Interaction between the modeling and LC tool will be done when the first modeling results are available Activity 3. Development of LegumeCHOICE –Version 1 3.1 Version 1 is ready for use by partners -Yes. This was used to identify interventions for SR15 season 3.2 At least 3 partners per R4D platform are actively using Version 1 -Yes-partially. Two R4D partners are using the tool
Activity 4. Training research and development partners in the use of LGC
3.4.1 At least 1 training workshop held per season once prototype is available -No. No training done so far -need to organize for one soon- per season
Output 4 Effective partnerships within Humidtropics R4D platforms facilitate and enabling environment for dissemination of multi-purpose legumes
Activity 1: Development of strategic partnership and action plans within R4D platforms
1.1 Seasonal FGD with R4D platform members on constraints for legumes and action plans -No. Is this feasible considering the financial implications? 1.2. A strategic partnership along legume value chain within each R4D -No. How/who? -Farmers only engaged at production level
Activity 2: Piloting of institutional interventions aiming at creating enabling env for legumes
2.1 Action plans in Act 1 are implemented in each site -No. Require guidance 2.2 Feedback from pilot studies is used to update the next version of action plans -No. Guidance required
Activity 3. Organization of specific training events at R4D platforms base done capacity gaps in intensifying legumes 3.1 At least one group training event is organized per R4D platform per year on a commonly agreed theme -No. Guidance required
Activity 4. Implementation of M&E framework following the R in D concept within R4D platforms
4.1 M&E feedback is informing upcoming activities at last on a 6-month basis -Yes. Monitoring work is ongoing -require guidance on the intervals 4.2 A new set of research questions is generated annually through M&E process -Yes. This informs the MSc and PhD studies., new proposals, new constraints
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