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Environment and Ecology

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Presentation on theme: "Environment and Ecology"— Presentation transcript:

1 Environment and Ecology

2 Keep off the grass

3 recycle

4 Recycle paper

5 Reduce using electricity

6 Reduce water pollution

7 Plant trees

8 Throw away less litter

9 Recycle metal cans

10 Don’t throw garbage into the water

11 Keep your country tidy

12 Put your litter in the bin

13 Don’t hurt wild animals

14 Recycle glass bottles

15 Save wild animals

16 Recycle plastic bottles

17 Don’t pollute nature

18 Simple Present Passive
When the trees (cut down), the forests (destroy). When paper (recycle), nature (not damage). When nature ( not pollute), wild animals ( not hurt). When animals ( save), nature ( not pollute).

19 Answer the questions: What can people recycle, reuse, reduce?
What are global environmental problems? How do people influence the environment? What can children do to help the Earth? Who is in charge of the Planet?

20 We are asked to( not to) Recycle plastic bottles
Put your litter in the bin Don’t hurt wild animals Keep off the grass Don’t pollute nature Throw away less litter Reduce using electricity

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