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Welcome to Year 3 Miss Tilley and Mr Cate

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Year 3 Miss Tilley and Mr Cate"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Year 3 Miss Tilley and Mr Cate
Supported by Miss Cifuentes, Mrs Bentley

2 Year 3 Weekly Timetable 8:50-9:00 9:00-10:00 10:00-10:15
8:50-9:00 9:00-10:00 10:00-10:15 10:15-10:45 (GR) 10:45-12:15 (L) 3T 10:15-11:45 (L) 11:45-12:45 (GR) 3C 12:15-1:15 1:15-1:30 1:30-1:45 1:45-2:30 2:30-3:15 Monday Registration Maths Break Guided Reading 3T Literacy 3C Guided Reading 3C Literacy 3T Lunch Golden Mile Assembly Science Tuesday Topic and Art Wednesday Registration Welcome Wednesday Year 3 PPA Spanish with TC PE with FC Thursday RE Friday Swimming PE and Computing

3 Curriculum overview Autumn One Autumn Two Spring One Spring Two
Summer One Summer Two The Victorians Inventors and Inventions Egypt The Stone Age The Rainforest and Chocolate Titanic

4 Homework and spellings
Homework will be handed out half-termly and is completed in the learning log. We will always provide you with 3 suggested homework deadlines to aim for. These deadlines help both your child to manage their homework expectations and enables us to review the homework throughout the term. The children can complete the homework in any order that they wish. Spellings are handed out on Monday and tested the following week. Children can choose either 5 or 10 words to learn.

5 School Trips Term/Topic Trip Autumn 1- The Victorians
The Plantation Gardens. 18th September 2017 Gressenhall Farm and Workhouse 26th September 2017 Autumn 2- Inventors and Inventions Spring 1- Egypt The Fitzwilliam Museum – Cambridge January 2018 TBC Spring 2- The Stone Age Cromer Museum and fossil hunting on Cromer Beach March 2018 TBC Summer 1- The Rainforest Visit from Chocolatier Summer 2- Titanic The Time and Tide Museum – Great Yarmouth July 2018 TBC

6 Thank you for coming. If there are any worries or queries, please make an appointment to see us and we will do our best to help.

7 Any questions?

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